Feb 4, 2013
  Total Views : 1273

Maintain Selfless Love For All

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million followers presently) exhorts that those who have selfless love for all they have great love for the Almighty. One who doesn't have love for others is similar to a corpse while living even whereas love can provide same breaths to the dead one.

His Excellency Guruji utters that the body without mutual love and divine love is as same as the crematorium. God has made the man full of love, but if he neglects and ignores it, then why the God is held responsible for this. Today, man is ensnared in the cobweb of wrath, avarice, wealth egotism, lust and jealousy that he can't recognize the love inside him bestowed by the Almighty. It is good if one loves others by imitating anyone else but today, it is not the scenario. One hates others to see having mutual love among them. Even he feels jealous to see his neighbor leading peaceful life. One must pray to God for His grace and benevolence always.