Mar 21, 2013
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Make Your Conscience Clear With Resort to Gurumantra

"The supernatural power, bliss, happiness and exhilaration which are there in divine love cannot be gained from anywhere else." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers). A few further excerpts of the Satsang are as follows:-

Mann (negative aspect of mind) dominates over the man. It keeps on showing the exaggeratory dreams. It can be controlled with devotion and rendering selfless services. Else, it keeps the man in isolation from Almighty. It always wishes that man must be away from divine love. So one must meditate and tame the mann so that it should not create any kind of obstruction in the path of legitimacy (truth). Those who are not married, it develops a longing for getting married. And after marriage it (mann) deludes by developing a feeling of boundage by losing one's freedom and keeping one busy in earning for family and bringing up the children. Then a person thinks to regain the unmarried life once again. Man's mind is enslaved by the mann. It never lets him satisfied with the present and diverts them to the works never done by them, if you are getting the divine love; it wishes to nullify the divine happiness. On the contrary, not getting the divine love man does crave for it. So, one must bridle the mann, meditate and pray for the well being of all so that one must get the immense holy grace and compassion and become internally as well externally happy.

His Holiness Guru Ji exhorts that it is very difficult to meditate. Fortunate are those who recite Gurumantra and those who abide by the holy sermons and meditate, they become luckiest ones. God's name can make the unfortunate ones to the most fortunate ones. They get their past births' bad deeds nullified. Man gets united with the Almighty. It is not a small thing to attain God, His grace and compassion. To get these, one need to be internally pure, regular for meditation, and render altruistic services. By following all this one gets the happiness of both the worlds while living on this planet. Consequently, he becomes brim full of holy grace and compassion.