Mar 23, 2013
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Man Must Recite God's Words in Every Situation

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers) exhorts that mann (negative aspect of mind) never like that a man should meditate and tries level best to delude him. In this way, a person wastes his time and is deprived of the divine love. Today, time is in hand, and one can utilize it. So, one must not get deceived but keep on reciting God's Words. Future is in kaal's (negative power) hands but if man meditates today, he becomes capable to meditate in future too. This time is precious; the soul can meditate and obtain the happiness of both the worlds. On abiding by the holy sermons of Saints' one can obtain the exhilaration and bliss which can never be narrated. But an egoistic man never follows the divine preaching's and remains encircled in the midst of bad deeds. He has to bear the consequences of his bad deeds and his family members also get afflicted due to the same. Because it is natural if anyone cries then his family members also feel the same. So it is imperative that one must comply with the Holy Sermons to get a hold to happiness. Saints always teach the man to meditate.

On following the divine preaching's man is never deprived of anything. One must not care about state of affairs for meditation rather one must meditate in every condition. The amount of time one has destined for satsang (holy discourse) and sewa (selfless services) one must utilize that time in those activities only. One must not get tricked by the mann by thinking that today there is no sewa (service) Rather, one must try for any other sewa (service) and will certainly find one. In this way, God would surely bestow the fruits of Satsang and Sewa on that person. Thus, Saints teach that man must bridle the mann. It is very cunning and dominates over the man. One must bridle it, to attain the Holy Grace and Compassion. Today, man is persuaded for few bucks and tells his homely secrets to others. The greedy people lead hellish life and never get happiness from anywhere. So, one must always think that one will recite God's Name and serve the society forever. One will acquire the happiness with respect to the time spent in sewa and meditation and the future will also brighten. All the tensions and worries will flee away from one's family due to which a person remains distressed.