Apr 4, 2013
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Meditation Along with Selfless Services is Better than Best

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) expounds that in this terrible era (kaliyuga) it is very much difficult to move on the path of love. Because the cobweb of lust, avarice, ego, wealth and attachment is so strong that while being invisible it harms the man a lot. They let the man to be saddened and depressed. At this time he does not like God's love but the materialistic one. God's name and His love remain eternal and keep the man exhilarated. None wants to take quinine but on taking it one gets rid of fever. Earlier it was very much bitter. So it was taken with sweet milk. These days it is very much easy because it is available sugar coated now. Similarly it was very difficult to recite earlier. One had to spend the whole life in meditation to get the divine vision of Almighty.

But in this kaliyuga, Saints have made it very easy by compressing it into three words only. With its regular chanting for 2-3 hours only while doing daily chores of life even you will get that happiness which would be attained earlier after passing of ages. In this era man has to endure sorrows, worries and tensions but reciting God's name is also very much easy now. You will definitely be benefitted of recitation. Moreover you will get the enhanced divine love too.

When you accompany the persons involving in slandering and censuring your devotion get nullified. In this way, you started getting upset and tensed and remain in isolation with the Almighty.To get the divine love till the last breath it is imperative that you must be determined of regular meditation and altruistic services. You should remain away from back biting and this is possible with the resort to Gurumantra. Without meditation your mann(negative aspect of mind) would dominate over you. Those who are involved in selfless services physically, intellectually or financially they are required to meditate along with to get the fruits of it multifold and to get immense happiness in this world. This is better than best. Consequently, you would never be deprived of anything and will get the positive thoughts originated inside you. On following these thoughts you will definitely get the exhilaration.