Apr 7, 2016
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Meditation and Firm Faith are the Real Ornaments of a Disciple

Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan conducted a spiritual discourse in the Ashram premises, Sirsa on Sunday. A few excerpts of the Satsang are as follows: "‹"‹ When a person steps ahead for attending  satsang, definitely he finds a way to get rid of life's major complexities. Also, switches from committing misdeeds to noble actions.Attending holy discourse is not that easy. To attend it, one has to undergo so many distractions that attempt to stop him like family members, or other people deluded by Mann (negative aspect of mind) etc. Sometimes, the inner self of person does not permit him to attend the holy discourse. But, the true disciples report there without any miss to acquire the holy blessings. All saints tell that lovers of God overcome all hindrances and barriers to get the divine bliss. When, you have stepped ahead to gain the love of God, there should not be any point to divert you. Be brave and move ahead. God is there to support you at every step of life. Move on God's path intently and there will be no tension at all especially for the followers of God. You are not in love with materialistic and worldly things or animals etc., you are in true friendship with Almighty God who is aware about your needs, how and when to bestow you all the benefits you deserve. H"‹E is well acquainted with your sorrows and tensions. But, you do not give HIM a chance to do the needful. You start shouting and crying uselessly. One incident came to the mind, sharing it with you: "‹Few men were about to drowning in the river. The sailor concluded if four persons will be sacrificing their lives, all other lives can be saved. They started addressing names of their respective religious Gods and jumped into the river. Three of them were reciting God's name and crossed the river without any harm. Whereas fourth man started addressing God by several names periodically and he was drowned into the river. He asked (Kaal)  angel of death, why this injustice to me as I was also adhering to the same procedure. Angel of death took him to the God to answer his question. God told him that you called me in various forms and at last you wanted me to save you as a lady. I was dressing up and meanwhile you got drowned. If you had been stuck to a particular role, you would have rescued by me. The message from this tale is that when God is fulfilling your demand, rather than being thankful, you are ready with a large long list of demands and get annoyed uselessly. "‹Have firm faith in God then you will never be deprived of any happiness. Do not have expectations from people as they will be solely responsible for adding troubles in your life. Think from your own viewpoint and always be proactive and alert.  There is no need to interfere in others' life.  Do not bother about others; have firm faith in Lord and stay blessed with unlimited happiness. The flavor of life would be yummier if you are in the food court of Lord. Rest, you cannot make the worldly people happy at all. Be in connection with God. HE will guide and support you at every step of your life. HE always serves solutions of your problems. Behave like a staunch disciple. Do not make dull faces when small problems come your way. Tension is not meant for disciples as it never serves solution at all. It spoils your health and family atmosphere too. "‹"‹God can eradicate all your problems whereas no mediator can do the same. Nothing can be at par with the God and HIS blessings. When anyone falls in true love with Lord, his sixth sense tells him that he is the happiest person in this world. His will power increases and such feelings remain persistent for longer period of time and no tension crosses nearby even. He remains neutral in all situations. Your love towards God should not be proportional to your desires like that when your desires are fulfilled, you are thankful to God else not. God never scrutinizes HIS disciples. At times, if HE does so, HE bestows them with plentiful blessings. If you do not have patience and don't succeed in that test, you will be like an empty vessel and deprived of true happiness. Never leave any hope. If you do that you will be out of the way of spirituality. As per the spirituality God is eternal, omnipotent and omnipresent. But only the ones who yearn for HIM, become capable to have an access to HIM. When any problem comes your way, you become restless and the mother also get worried for her children. If you have same yearning for the Almighty, HE will never leave you alone irrespective of the situations, you are in. People  have much attachment  for their posterity and never pay attention towards Almighty who has bestowed them with countless blessings. At times, the children deceive their parents, and then there is no scope to overcome tensions easily. All eggs cannot be put in the same basket. Same way, out of 55 millions disciples, everyone has different criteria to remember and see God. There are so many people who want to see God in the form of Guru only. They are never egoistic and tend to behave like down to earth even after having a tag of king. On the other hand, people who are indulged into the materialistic affairs, lead a life full of tensions. God is the only shelter who never lets you alone even when you do not treat HIM as your true companion. You leave HIM most of the times you face any challenge still HE holds and protects you. You again do the same and HE keeps on holding your hand every time you leave HIM because HE is the true associate in both the worlds. Everyone has his own personality. Here are several disciples, who never complaint God even  after bearing great loss; whereas, others who shout like anything for small concerns too. Those who have firm faith in God and abide by the path shown by true Master they are never deprived of happiness. God solves their problems and bestows them a lot which is beyond their imagination. Those who love HIM, HE does everything for them. Sometimes, HE tests them whether their body is capable enough to retain the divine  love or not.  Duo of continuous recitation and rendering selfless services makes one deserving to attain God's holy blessings whereas back biting and other vices may take one far away from God's love. "‹"‹One should never forget that one's life is full of God's obligations. Human tendency is that when he gets HIS blessings, he is happy and thankful otherwise behaves like a selfish person. Even, he claims that he himself is responsible for his good time not the Lord. Every disciple must have firm faith in God. People who are indulged in materialistic love, they trust each other. Now, you can imagine how much faith you should posses on true love of God. Don't change your mindset towards God even in adverse situations. If things are favorable, you are thankful to HIM else you do not remember HIM at all. If you have persistent faith in HIM, you will surely be capable to get HIS holy blessings everywhere you go. One should not try to be over smart while walking on the path of God. As a true disciple, avoid cleverness; do not treat others as fools as it is not the ornament of God's lovers. Maintain a dignity that you are true follower and abide by the teachings of Satguru. There is no need to be scared at all from others. On contrary, full engagement in worldly affairs makes you restless throughout. You have abundance of self confidence and maintain a level on the same in order to enjoy the blessings showered by Almighty. Always accompany good people, do noble tasks and render selfless services. Such activities will make you worthy of God's grace and immense blessings.