Mar 1, 2013
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Meditation is the only Resort to Bridle the Mann

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million people) exhorts that adopting the method of meditation is a very gratifying experience. Those who adopt it get rid of the sorrows, worries and tensions and become worthy of the happiness of both the worlds while living on this planet, earth. They become internally happy and there is always a divine radiance on their faces. Mann (negative force inside the man) is like an unbridled horse. Without meditation it cannot be controlled. Mann(negative force inside the man) is that aspect of mind which originates negative, nocuous and nasty thoughts that one might be sitting anywhere or doing anything; it may originate unconstructive kind of thoughts as it is not worthy of credence. One becomes sad and depressed and wonders how to handle it ( mann). The best solution is not to follow the thoughts conferred by mann(negative force inside the man) ; rather scant meditation nullifies the effect of pessimistic thoughts.

One must not abide by the negative thoughts as and when one starts following these thoughts one becomes the accused and has to face humiliation in both the worlds: a person is considered as a wrongdoer and gets entangled in them. So one must not let one's mann(negative force inside the man) dominate, as it makes man arrogant and entrap in lust, anger, avarice, attachment and wealth. So, one must learn to tame it. If a person is involved in welfare and selfless services then one must learn to comply with the holy sermons. Otherwise the altruistic services go in vain. God Almighty bestows incredible happiness on the doer for these kinds of services and never deprives that person of anything. So, one must not let his mann(negative force inside the man) dominate over him. We may come across many people who are driven by mann(negative force inside the man); however one must not fall under their impression and violate the cardinal rules and lose all of the eternal happiness and divine radiance. So, one must learn to combat with it through meditation. The moment mann(negative force inside the man) tries to govern one must start meditating resolutely, once this become a habit then for sure on can attain the holy grace and compassion. It (mann) keeps on knitting the cobwebs to trap the man and to cease from becoming competent of attaining the divine vision. Mann tries to digress from the path to truth and humanity.

To strife with it is the true devotion in this horrifying era (kaliyug). Those who go against their mann(negative force inside the man) with resort to sewa(altruistic serviced) and sumiran(meditation) they surely win over it. Consequently, they have an access to the Almighty in each and every constituent part and they become brim full of ecstasy.