Dec 16, 2018
  Total Views : 2427

Mega Eye Checkup Camp concludes successfully treating 6596 patients at DSS, Sirsa

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step and when thousands of people start a journey of human welfare, it becomes an epic wave. Such a wave of human welfare was witnessed at Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa where the 27th  "Yaad-E-Murshid"  Mega Eye Checkup Camp  was conducted from 12th -15th December 2018.

26 Professional ophthalmologists and eye surgeons from major hospitals of Punjab and Haryana came in to contribute for this noble cause. Registrations for the eye camp started from 9th December and continued till 15th December.

A total of 6596 patients were screened, examined and treated in the Mega Eye Camp. 117 patients had been selected for eye surgeries of which 91 patients had been operated upon till 15th evening and remaining would be done tomorrow. The surgeries were carried out by specialist eye surgeons in the state of the art OTs of Shah Satnam Ji Super Speciality hospital.

The doctors and paramedical staff of Shah Satnam Ji Speciality Hospital have been dedicatedly working on taking care of the patients. It is noteworthy that consultation, screening, treatment, medicines, surgery, post-operative care, food, and accommodation are free for all registered patients. Hundreds of volunteers have also come and are helping with administrative tasks, food preparation, and serving, and taking care of the patients operated upon.

Registration Data from 12th to 15th December

Date Male Patients Registered Female Patients Registered
12 December 2018 811 1080
13 December 2018 525 902
14 December 2018 777 802
15 December 2018 776 923
Total 2889 3707
Grand Total 6596

The Eye camp is the 27th in the series and is conducted annually since 1992 in the memory of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj. Since 1992, more than 29,000 surgeries have been successfully carried out in the Yaad-E-Murshid Free Eye Checkup Camp.

Since the camp is completely free of cost, it is especially beneficial to the financially weaker section of the society, who due to lack of funds cannot afford to consult a good doctor. The doctors and volunteers ensure that all the patients are properly treated and taken care of from all aspects.

This eye camp boasts of multiple records including a Guinness world record made on 12 Dec 2013 for the largest number of eye screenings in an eye camp. This camp is a great example of the immense spirit of humanity and immovable faith of the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda.