Aug 15, 2012
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Mega Tree Plantation Drive On 15, August 2012

The 46th birthday of present True Master (Satguru) aka Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan was a day which brought greenery and prosperity. On the holy day, His Holiness launched a mega tree plantation drive under HIS very own leadership.

Revered Guru Ji inaugurated this campaign by planting a Neem plant (Azadirachta indica). Thereafter, Dera Sacha Sauda followers engaged themselves in this unique expedition all across the world.

Revered Guruji planting sapling

Spread across various Indian states, 20,39,747 saplings were planted in an hour which made a Guinness World Record. On the same day, Dera Sacha Sauda followers planted 31,21,203 saplings in a single day spread across the globe.

It is indeed remarkable that the space allotted for plantation was unable to accommodate the passion which the overwhelming volunteers induced.

On Wednesday, His Holiness reached a place near Shah Satnam Ji Dham in a car called Jeter which was equipped with farming tools. Thousands of devotees were eagerly awaiting HIM. At 9:10 AM, Revered Guru Ji inaugurated the campaign by planting the Neem plant. This was followed by the invaluable contribution of Revered Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji Insan and the respected royal family.

State-wise Details Of Mega Tree Plantation Campaign   on 15 August 2012


Sr. State Trivaini No. of Plants (9:00 am To 10:00 am) Trivaini 11am To 6pm No. of Plants (11:00 am To 6:00 pm)
1 Haryana 547 1,148,212 100 490,680
2 Punjab 6,313 501,491 1,422 387,165
3 Rajasthan 6 110,325 50,000
4 UP 160,172 100,000
5 UTK 34,220 15,000
6 Delhi 35,000 16,500
7 Himachal Pardesh 13,742 5,000
8 Maharashtra 450
9 Madhya Pardesh 12,027
10 Chhatisgarh 2,100
11 Orissa 275
12 Gujrat 125
13 Karnatka 310
14 Andhra Pardesh 225
15 Bihar 340
16 West Bangal 135
   Total 6,866 2,019,149 1,522 1,064,345
Trivaini 8,388 Plantation in INDIA 3,108,658
Plants 3,083,494 Plantation in Foreign 12,545
Grand Total 3,121,203