Apr 5, 2015
  Total Views : 1103

MSG Earnings Crossed The 162 Crore Mark

Enters 8th Successful week

According to information received from Hakikat Entertainment, the blockbuster of the current season, 'MSG-The Messenger', has been the most successful film of the 1st quarter of 2015.The film has successfully entered the 8th week. Till the end of the 7th weekend (5th April 2015), the total collection of the movie is Rs. 162 Crores. The details of the income of first 2 weeks have already been declared on the official website of the movie www.msgthefilm.com. According to the production house, Hakikat Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., the movie MSG The Messenger is popular among all age groups whether it is teenagers or the working professionals. The movie comprises of 20 social messages like drug de-addiction, tree plantation, blood donation, providing food and shelter to needy and helpless persons and stopping prostitution. It is being widely appreciated as an effective effort to put society on the right track. The movie was released on 4000 screens all over the country except Punjab. A watershed film: Hotelier vows to shut down bars. While many reports of people quitting alcohol and leavings drugs are coming in response to the film, a leading hotelier and a well known social worker Kunwar SurajPal Amu has decided to shut down the bars in his hotels. Hailing from a respected family of landlords, Kunwar Amu has interests in hoteliering and international businesses. He stated this publicly during the recently held success party in the Park Hotel. An Indian anesthetist settled in the Middle East has sent in his video response saying that the movie and its aftermath were a brush with divinity for him.

Award winning Bollywood director lauds film

The acclaimed Bollywood director, Anil Sharma, has appreciated Guruji as a multi-multi-talented and gifted personality and is deeply impressed with the entertainment quotient as well as its message for social change.

Celebrity support on twitter

Similar thoughts were shared by Vindu Dara Singh who has publicly posted on twitter. Saw #MSG and loved the climax speech made by @Gurmeetramrahim we really need to change old outdated laws and let people do good. Vindu Dara Singh watched the movie twice, first in Mumbai and then in Chandigarh.