Jan 26, 2015
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MSG The Messenger Premier Set Milestone in Asia Book and India Book of Records

Record mass gathering for 'MSG The messenger' Premier in Gurgaon city

Millions of adoring fans and followers gathered on 16th Jan 2015 for MSG The messenger premier movie at Leisure Valley ground, a large park in Gurgaon city used for exhibitions and convention. The fans and followers were full of excitement and many of them were clad in MSG T shirts. The followers gathered for promotion of movie had people from all walks of life including the doctors, engineers, teaching faculty, administration etc. Various TV channels news reporters and journalists from leading newspapers were present to cover the event. There was also present the team from Asia Book and India Book of Records to record the official counting of people gathered for the promotion of the movie. The team from Asia Book of Records recorded the official number of people gathered as one lakh fifty seven thousand and two hundred and thirty one (1,57,231) for the promotion. This was a record in itself as never before such a huge gathering has occurred for promotion of a movie. On account of this, during the 'Bhandara' program celebration in Sirsa on 25th Jan, 2015, Mr. Mahesh Kaushik from Asia Book and India Book of Records awarded certificate, medal and trophy to revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for establishing this new record in the promotion of a movie. 'MSG The messenger' movie will inspire people to discard the social evils: On the occasion of celebration of 'Holy Incarnation Day' of the Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj on 25th Jan 2015 in the Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa premises, the revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan informed that the movie 'MSG The messenger' will be released on 13th February. The MSG movie will inspire the people to leave the drug addiction, stop prostitution, adopt tree plantation, donate blood regularly and in total will give around 15 such social messages. The revered Guruji informed that this movie will give a new direction to the society especially the youth. It will inspire people to leave vices and will unite them with God's true name and the human welfare works. Soon after the announcement of the news of the release of the movie, the 'satsang' pandal reverberated with sounds of the claps from the gathered followers. The revered Guruji informed that movie MSG will be released in Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu and Italian language. He also informed that the England censor board has already cleared the movie and provided the official certificate. msg the messenger premier