Feb 4, 2013
  Total Views : 1549

Never Say Bad to Anyone

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million followers presently) expounds that selfless love brings the man closer to Almighty. Some people used to say, 'Love is God; God is love'. But this love must be selfless. People are fanatic in materialistic love; they might not get anything in return. However, true lovers of God would definitely have an access to the Almighty.

They are fortunate ones who are the followers of God. One must not be jealous of them. It is generally said that one must not be jealous of others rather compete with them. It is also said that one must not bother for others rather be conscious of oneself. One might get unimaginable things on remembering God rather than spending the time in jealous.

The man entangled in the cobweb of envious, jealous and hatred digs his own grave. So one must not think bad for others nor should he say bad to others. Otherwise the same can happen to him or his family. A devotee can emancipate his generations through the devotion; he can ruin the generations too. However, a devotee's family members are never harmed by anyone provided they have firm faith on God; they do recite and perform good deeds.