Jun 26, 2014
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Observance of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Dera Sacha Sauda Touching the Pinnacle of Success in Drug De-Addiction

The Spurt in Drug Abuse has brought up a major threat to the quality of human life. Drugs have proliferated across regions and countries leaving ugly scars in its wake and are very injurious to health so to let the abusers aware about the consequences of drugs, many efforts are being made.

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed on June 26 each year since 1987 to raise awareness of the major problems that are caused by drugs. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) nearly 200 million people are using illicit drugs such as opiates, cocaine, cannabis and sedative hypnotics worldwide. This day is supported by individuals, communities and various organizations all over the world. Dera Sacha Sauda (A Social and Spiritual Organization) is enthusiastically moving ahead on the path to raise awareness about the negative impacts of drug abuse and to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse they have been conducting several processions in cities, towns and villages of every state.

Further, for those who develop drug problems, drug users, who may fail to get the health and social support they require, Dera Sacha Sauda offers them a helping hand. To create awareness and educating the people about the ill effects of alcoholism and substance abuse on the individual, the family and society at large, Dera Sacha Sauda is running de-addiction centers where the drug abusers are provided health, medical, financial aid and much more.

His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan strongly opposes all intoxicants. He has been instrumental in campaigning extensively against drug addiction. Through the method of meditation around 50 million people have vowed never to partake intoxicants and the count is rising continuously. This is the result of HIS teachings, glorious method of meditation and HIS inspiration that heaps of intoxicants like tobacco, bidis, cigarette etc. are burnt publicly in spiritual congregations when people throw them away instantaneously when inspired by Revered Guruji.

"Drug abuse is a bad thing. Quit it. And those who want to give it up, come to the Ashram. Any kind of drug addiction you have, however dangerous, however old it may be, come and serve here in the ashram for 8 to 10 days and you will be able to give up your addiction without any discomfort. You will be provided residence and diet facilities free of cost. Medicines will also be provided free of cost if any need arises."
                                                      - An Appeal by His Highness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

drug de addiction rally

All the volunteers of the organization and the members of Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing, all across the world, are also working along with Guruji in the mission to save the society from drugs. Revered Guruji appeals everyone whoever is drug addict, any kind of drug addiction he/she has, however dangerous, however old it may be, come and serve here in the ashram for 8 to 10 days and he/she will be able to give up the addiction without any discomfort. Residence and meals are provided free of cost. Medicines will also be provided free of cost if any need arises.

Aimed at eradicating the blot of drug addiction from the state, Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan tells during the Spiritual Congregation that drugs act as hell for the human from every aspect; be it individual, family or social. At the individual level, drugs are associated with loss of physical strength, mental health problems, learning disabilities and damage to vital organs such as brain, heart and lungs. At the family level, drugs tear the fabric of family life, bring emotional stress and strains, give financial burden, and often makes woman vulnerable to victimization. At the community level, drug abuse entails heavy social and economic costs, such as, alcohol-and drug-related accidents and deaths, wastage of manpower, rise in crime, prevention programmes, treatment and rehabilitation and social security.

A spiritually and physically healthy life is waiting for the drug addicts at Dera Sacha Sauda!