Jan 23, 2017
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Ocean of Devotees in Pink City Jaipur: Bhandara Celebrations on 18th January, 2017

The pious birth month of Revered Saint Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj was celebrated with great pomp and show in the premises of Ruh-e- Sukh Ashram, which is located in the royal pink city Jaipur, Rajasthan. Despite of chilling winds and temperature recorded at its lowest, the ocean of faith and belief left behind all the arrangements done by the authorities. People were seen sitting calmly in the land area of approx 20 hectares and almost 47 hectares of land was packed with vehicles and still people were approaching the venue with great zeal. On this occasion Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insantold about Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj and his family. Near about 14580 people took pious method of meditation and swore to quit social evils and drugs.The holy nectar of humanity was also taken by thousands of people who became part of holy congregation, wished Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan on the birth month of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj by uttering the pious slongan Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Asra. While narrating the life story of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj,Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, said that January is the month of utmost happiness for the devotees. In this month Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj was born in village named Jalalaana Sahib district Sirsa, haryana. Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj belongs to very rich family. His father Sardar Varyam Singh Ji Maharaj was a very well known personality of area. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan further added that the real name of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharajwas Harbans Singh. Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj named him as Shah Satnam. Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan said that lucky were those who ought to see Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj in his childhood. While talking about parents, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan said that children should whole heartedly obey and serve their parents. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan added that children should always take blessings from parents, as the words which are being uttered by parents while giving blessings are accepted more readily by God. One should never hurt someone's feelings.It is the duty of parents that they should imbibe good values among their children. Guide them on the aspects of what is right or wrong. Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan said that one should respect all religions. True humanity lies in helping those who are suffering from problems and one should meditate daily for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Quit Drugs and Value Relations Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan  said that days, months or years are just for knowledge; humans get success or happiness all because of their actions. No day can give happiness except for the day or month in which True Saint incarnates on this earth. These are the only days when people can take immense happiness and imbibe in their soul the ocean of calmness and happiness. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim  Singh Ji Insan said that Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj always taught to lead a happy life. But people are spending their valuable life by being a drug addict. People cannot think of their life behind drugs at this time. That's why Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj took birth on this earth to show the right path of immense happiness to people. Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj always taught that always respect your parents. Take blessings from them by touching their feet, by keeping aside your so called ego. This is also mentioned in our holy books that take blessings from elders, as sometimes blessings can change our life. A very great character from sacred book Mahabharata, Bhishm Pitamah took a very tough pledge for his father and his father gave him,blessings that his death would be his slave. These blessings of his father were so readily accepted by God that no one could ever kill Bhishm Pitamah without his will. That's why always take blessings from parents. You never know what type of blessings you are getting and when they are accepted by god. You get respect when you give respect. So always respect others. Don't ever misbehave with your parents in ego or anger. Revered Saint Dr.Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, further said that, it is the duty of elders to teach children to respect everyone. If you are abusing them, then how it is possible that children are going to respect you. If parents lie in front of children then it obvious that children will become liars in future. It is mentioned in our sacred books that only a human being can lead a sacred and ideal life. Till the age of 25 lead a life of celibacy, life between the ages 25-50 is for household and after that take renunciation. But people are stuck to one stage of life that is household life. Once your child is of 25, you should ask your child, being parents that we have shown the right path to you, but it's you who has to walk on that. If you do this, then you will definitely lead a successful life. If your son is on wrong track of life, then show him the right path with love.Elders should always give blessings to younger ones. If children are not taking blessings from you, then it's the duty of parents, then also, to give blessings to their children and pray to god for to give them better thoughts. You never know when God accepts your blessings and you can see changes in your child. So keep on trying with love and respect. Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj organised spiritual congregation at various places. These are the blessings of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, that the count of devotees are increasing day by day. Number of people quitting social evils are multiplying with each passing day, this is happening all because of blessings of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj. This is the magic or blessings of Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj that people are guiding others to follow the path of humanity. The love for God is crossing all barriers, among people and at many foreign places, devotees are helping foreigners to choose the path of humanity and true love and take the pious method of meditation by quitting drugs and social evils.