Feb 5, 2013
  Total Views : 907

One Must Bridle the Negative Thoughts

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million followers presently) exhorts that Beparawah Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj had composed a hymn mentioning, "God Almighty accedes to all of my untold demands even, how can I forget Him?" One is not required to think even for ones necessities; God was conferring the abundance of grace upon everyone, and He will be doing the same too. The only thing required is to have firm faith and follower of holy sermons. This way, he will neither be deprived of anything internally nor externally.

One must restrict one's negative thoughts and set aside the ostentation of every kind. Today, man seems to be a devotee, but he remains entangled in the vices like slandering, deceit, corruption, and dishonesty. Truth is almost invisible these days. But the truth can never be hidden forever.