May 5, 2011
  Total Views : 2015

Pitaji fulfilled the earnest desire in dream

Ms Ekta Kanda Insan [Ex- Student], Little Roses Block, Sirsa, Haryana. I want to tell about the miracle happened with me. At that time I was 3 years old. I was really crazy for Pitaji's darshan, no doubt now also I am really crazy. And I wanted to hug Pitaji. Then I had a dream that I was doing sewa in dham and suddenly I fell down near taps and then Pitaji picked me up and hugged me and then He asked sewadars  to bring bandage and put medicines to heal my wound and asked "BETA AB DARD TO NAHI HO RAHA" and I replied " NO PITA JI. AB DARD THIK HO GYA " then my mom waked me up and I was very happy because I did not know that it was only a dream not realty. But still I was very happy. Thanks to pita ji for fulfilling my all wishes and dreams " LOVE YOU PAPA JI"