May 14, 2013
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Guruji is working keenly to create an awakening amongst the farmers to minimize pollution. They are asked to minimize dependence on chemical fertilizers. They are being motivated for organic farming and protecting the trees. Vermi-compost, biogas slurry, animal urine and manure are the world's best fertilizers. And yet, farmers are lured into synthetic fertilizers. Even pesticides are largely avoidable if farmers follow Guruji's techniques to develop natural pesticides in their farms. In the Dera, farmers are also being taught to transplant and not uproot the trees, a practice which is also followed in the Ashram. Guruji has been encouraging the farmers to utilize the agricultural waste as fodder for animals instead of burning it and they are doing so in large numbers. Paddy husk is collected and sent to the drought affected areas. Burning agricultural waste increases air pollution and devours fertility of the land while also killing the moths essential for farming. This can have a major impact in controlling agricultural pollution. Farmers are now increasingly using biomass as forage for the cattle. This is a move that stops pollution and increases the fertility of land. Never burn the agricultural waste, rather use it as fodder or manure; it would lessen the air pollution and help the animals. The useful bacteria in the soil are also preserved.