Apr 3, 2013
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Quit The Bad Habits and Remember God Forever

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently) exhorts that today man is entangled in the materialistic works very badly that he does not have time to recite the Almighty God. He has fixed the time for every daily chores of life like taking bath, having food etc and he used to do them in his routine but he does not get time to meditate. Due to this, his future is always worst and then getting entangled in the troubles he remembers Almighty God. But at that time he cannot get concentrated as he remains full of tension, worries and sorrows. Man must make a routine to meditate daily in the dawn as well as in the dusk. And by following this he will never have to face the terrible fruits of bad deeds. As on getting sick one has to take medicine regularly and on missing it for single time even he has to restart the course. Same way, on meditating for half an hour in the morning as well as in the evening it will be benefited for him for the whole life whereas the medicines have effect for small duration. On missing the same routine of meditation, mann (negative aspect of mind) never let him to start it again. So with regular meditation only one's sorrows, worries and tensions flee away and he becomes capable to get the holy grace and compassion. Mann is always ready to restrict the man for meditation.

The man who never apologize for his committed mistakes how will he be forgiven and get happiness? On committing a mistake, if you get any chance to talk to Satguruji then you must ask for forgiveness then you can recite God's words. On the contrary, your mann dominates over you. Saints know each and everything to see the man like what he did in the past, what he is doing and what he is planning to do in future. But they never tell anyone about his mistakes and are depressed to see that if he recites he could get happiness in abundance. It is surprised why the man does not quit his bad habits? Drugs which are bitter still he never give up. Just imagine if the poison is sweet will you have that? So, one must not commit any bad deed. This is the terrible era (kaliyug) and if you want exhilaration then you must meditate in the morning as well as in the evening and you will get rid of sorrows, worries and tensions.

How the man gets rid of his worries, telling all this scientifically His Holiness Guruji says when the man is entangled in problems and tensions and he does not get the solution of his problems then he always keeps on thinking that problem and his minds is not capable to sort it out. Moreover, he cannot tell it to others about it. But, as and when he starts meditating his mind restarts working. And he gets the solution of his problem and becomes tension free. He is not required to take advice from anyone. That is why it is said again and again to meditate. One must quit the bad habits but never give up recitation. Because on leaving the meditation his mann dominates over him and let him to involve in vices and remain in isolation form the Almighty God. As some animals keep on eating the polythene even after beaten by the man but do not stop it and some times they die due to this habit only. Saints always restrict the man to do bad deeds. They always keep on beating him with the stick of Raam Naam and he remains surprised that Saints are saying to him! But he never knows that really they are saying to him because he has committed the mistake. Saints are to teach but it is man's wish to follow or not. One must attend Satsang to get the happiness. On abiding by the holy sermons he would definitely get the exhilaration.