May 14, 2013
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Empowerment through education

In a day and time when the Right to Education in being deliberated, Dera Sacha Sauda is already providing a model of free education for the poor. A primary free school for the children of poor workmen has been established in Dera Sacha Sauda. Over 150 children are availing the benefits of this school. All books and stationery are provided free of cost and even the school bus is free. The families having low per capita income, which cannot support the education of their children, are thus helped. These institutions do not discriminate or any basis whatsoever. Therefore, every effort is made that there are no illiterate kids left who will face hardships in securing employment when they grow up. The poorer sections of society are not able to afford good schooling for their children. This becomes a serious road block in their opportunities for a better life. Education is the basic stepping stone in today's world for the realization of one's potential. Childhood is the right time when it must be offered. Therefore, in order to tide over this crisis faced by poorer households living nearby, His Holiness has created this opportunity for poor students.

Dera Sacha Sauda is running a free primary school for poor children. This is proving to be a boon for poorer sections of society

Help for Poor Students

Students who do not have the means to purchase books, stationery or uniforms are helped by this endeavour. Therefore, this is a major assistance program for poor children. Otherwise, social development will suffer in the long run. Today, even manual professions are getting dependent on education and training. There are tuition centers to give academic assistance to children whose parents are uneducated. Several educational institutions are also being run by Dera Sacha Sauda that are contributing to value based education. The dropout rate at the primary level is alarmingly high in India. The main reason is poverty because of which students can not afford their basic requirements. To prevent this, Guruji envisioned a platform on which needy students would be able to regularly access help for their basic needs. Therefore, this program supports provisioning of books, stationery and the basic educational tools of children on a large scale. Uniforms and even Shoes are provided under this unique initiative. This also includes a school fee support program for needy meritorious students. Apart from this, specialized tuition centres are also working to provide succour to these pupils . Any thing that is a basic social need has the whole hearted support of Dera Sacha Sauda at all times.