Aug 1, 2023
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Rejoicing in Sacred Time- Congratulations on the Advent of Incarnation Month of Saint Dr. MSG Insan

To illuminate the true purpose of existence and reunite the souls with the Supreme Power, saints are descended from divine realms. In a world where negative power transcends the positive one, only a true saint can bridge the gap and make all realize the truth. So to salvage the souls, they are descended by Almighty God to earth.

The embodiment of divine love, enlightenment, and compassion, Saints play a vital role in the life of disciples. Their presence and wisdom know no bounds in any terms. Incarnating in this mortal world, they strive to reunite everyone and guide them toward the true purpose of living on Earth. 

The sacred month of August marks the incarnation of such a saint, Revered Saint Dr. MSG who strives tirelessly to save the dying humanity. Investing every second of life to showcase the righteous path to people and connecting them with the Supreme Power in the simplest form by sharing their own experiences is quite rare to witness. 

We welcome this pious month of August that brought us our Messiah who bridges the gap between the souls and Almighty!

15th August 1967- The Golden Incarnation Day of Revered Guruji

The belief in the incarnation of saints, or avatars holds that their arrival on Earth is not a mere coincidence but a manifestation guided by divine decree. Only those who are chosen by Supreme Power, serve the divine purpose and bestow the essence of divinity. 

On the same lines, with the divine decree of Almighty, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan incarnated on 15th August 1967. The respected parents, Pujniya Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji and Pujniya Bapu Maghar Singh Ji were on cloud nine after the birth of their son at their home after 18 years of wait. What an incredible moment would it be when a divine figure took birth! Such an astonishing moment cannot be even explained in words. That aura can only be felt now when the Messiah of Humanity took birth to remove all the worries & sorrows of people worldwide. 

The incarnation of saints is always preordained. As they descend from realms beyond, their transformative impact graces the world with positivity and ultimate divinity. The day and even the whole month is celebrated by Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers by serving humanity and restoring hope to the people’s lives. 

In the Embrace of the Divine Grace of Dr. MSG, the Sorrows Find Solace, and Hearts Find Healing

Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan stands as a living testament to the boundless depths of kindness. His presence is a soothing balm to the wounded hearts that alleviate the pains of every soul. In a world where everyone pretends to be a divine figure having all virtues of a true saint, it’s uncommon to see a saint who carries the weight of His children’s sorrows. All the creatures of Almighty are children of a true saint and Revered Saint Dr. MSG proves this adage true with His ultimate compassionate nature. 

The 157 welfare works initiated by Guruji are testimony to the boundless depths of kindness that Guruji possess. Whether it's about animals, birds, children, youngsters, women, men, and even old-age people, Guruji left no stone unturned to extend help to the needy. The recent welfare work in which volunteers visit the old-age homes and share the pain of those abundant parents is worth applauding. The volunteers, by following the teachings of Saint Dr. MSG, visit them weekly and share their pain. 

Every gesture and word of Guruji exemplifies the epitome of selflessness that touch lives with profound grace. His profound teachings make us extend a helping hand to the needy and share the joys & sorrows of all beings, thereby embracing the spirit of unity and compassion.

The Teachings of Saint Dr. MSG Thriving Humanity Worldwide

The dedicated volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda turned into the torchbearers of humanity globally. Their commitment to serving mankind exemplifies the true essence of selflessness. By following the teachings of Revered Guruji, Saint Dr. MSG, they have embarked on a remarkable journey of uplifting lives. Their compassion and passion to even risk their own lives to save people is beyond words. 

The most impactful aspect is, their actions speak louder than words. Their actions showcase the deep impact of the teachings of Guruji that built up their values and character in such a way that they got the name ‘Saviors of Humanity.’ 

History witness their fearless acts that saved people from adverse situations. In the recent incident when most of the North India portions were drowning in water, these volunteers displayed an extraordinary level of determination and courage. The flood victims found solace in their actions. They tirelessly saved people, animals, and all creatures of the Almighty by working day & night. 

From serving food, milk, drinking water bottles, providing medical kits, availing medical services at their doorsteps, rescuing them from risky areas to even arranging fodder for the animals, their selfless service remained in highlights for a long. 

None of them stepped back by watching the dangerous water, instead extended help in every possible way. These are just the aftereffects of the teachings of Revered Guruji that are creating a ripple effect in society at large. Not just this, the volunteers are real-life exemplars of Guruji’s guidance and teachings in serving the whole of mankind. 

They are participating in all the 157 welfare works wholeheartedly and illuminating society with their light of hope, compassion, and commitment. 

An Epitome of Humility- Revered Guruji’s Presence Radiates Grace and Compassion

Though being a spiritual leader, running the greatest organization, and having worldly talents, Guruji says that He is still a learner. There’s no other humble personality that we have seen like Guruji. Guruji encourages all to keep learning from all and He Himself does the same. He says that He is still a student whenever He sees any good habit in anyone, He just adopts it. 

There’s no other example of humility. If you have ever observed, Guruji meets everyone with folded hands and speaks so humbly that it swells the heart with deep reverence towards Him. And it is His profound impact on countless lives that echoes so wide through the selfless works of the volunteers. 

The virtues of the humble nature of Guruji passes on to the volunteers and they always stay ready to serve humanity wholeheartedly. Their humble nature reflects the teachings of Guruji and with that, they are successfully spreading the fragrance of humanitarian deeds globally. 

Celebration by Welfare- A Ritual to Bring Positive Revolution

It is rightly said that the teachings and insights of true saints help the disciples in progressing on the spiritual and humanitarian path. By following these pious teachings of Revered Guruji, the Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers will celebrate the whole month by participating in welfare activities.

Moreover, the pious Incarnation day of 15th August will be celebrated by volunteers worldwide by planting trees. As per Guruji, celebrating a birthday by planting trees will impact positively the whole environment. So Guruji accepts the gift of planting trees from all the volunteers. They do every attempt to gift Guruji by planting trees, donating blood, donating food, and performing many other welfare works. Such rituals of celebrations are quite rare to witness!

Saints are seen as living examples of righteousness and true virtues. The disciples cultivate their values and qualities in their own lives. We feel so grateful that we got a true spiritual master whose values are bringing a revolution in society.

With hearts filled with gratitude and reverence, we wish you all a very Happy Incarnation Month!