Jul 20, 2011
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Revered Pitaji saved my parents from a deadly accident

Mr. Nitin kumar S/o Mr. Somprakash mohamd. gauri pandano, Gangoh, Saharanpur(U.P.) I am going to explain an incident of miracle happened to my parents by His Holiness's grace. One day, in the holy month of Nov. 2008, I was attending Naamcharcha [spiritual gathering] at the night in my neighborhood. After attending a program in Meerut, my parents were about to reach home. They were planned to attend the Naamcharcha after their arrival. In the meantime, I was fallen into a deep state of meditation for 15 minutes. At the end of Naamcharcha, I got a bad news that a deadly accident was happened to them. In fact, a nilgai was collided with their car from front end. There was a large water pond nearby. But, my parents got just slight wounds. This was just due to the holy grace of revered Pitaji that my parents were saved from this dreadful mishap. I request Pitaji to bless us in every step of life.