Aug 17, 2019
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Blood donation Campaigns galore at Dera Sacha Sauda as Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Incarnation month celebrations

A huge Blood Donation Campaign was organized by followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in Sri Gurusar Modia on the occasion of Incarnation month. On this occasion volunteers from far and wide visited the Ashram in Sri Gurusar Modia in Rajasthan. This is also the pious birthplace of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

August being the incarnation month, followers all over the globe are excited to trigger this month with more and more welfare activities. They wait for this month, entire year, and when this month rings in, there is no stopping for these volunteers. And the preparations begin as early as March, where campaigns are planned like Blood Donation, Tree Plantation, etc. Apart from these many other activities are undertaken as per the problem areas surrounding in the neighborhoods. Once the problem areas are identified, volunteers actively get involved in eradicating the same and easing out the pains of people.

Some of these activities include,

Tending to the homeless, for constructing their houses before rains strike Looking after the elderly Checking if any marriages are planned and people are unable to bear those expenses Working on dams and bridges in the region Arranging water facilities as this is also the time when summer casts its extreme woes.

Most volunteers and this count would run into lacs, keep aside the entire month for just voluntary welfare services. Why are these volunteers such a spirited lot towards welfare one would wonder. Well, it is the education and sensitizing efforts of their Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. He is the one filling in such passion in the followers that they even leave their businesses for days and weeks together to tend to the needy.

Some even do not bother about their own health while they are working for others. And they are well rewarded too. We might think they are paid handsomely that they leave their own money-making pursuits to be a part of these ventures.

Voluntary services bring in bliss and harmony in abundance

Well, certainly not, even a single penny is not paid to these followers, every service is a voluntary service, but they are definitely paid in kind. Their diseases are eliminated by the Master's grace. Their finances are arranged and managed on their own. Some even win over death with such deeds. And readers might think that this is some sort of black magic or these are definitely fools to believe in such ideologies. But we do believe in karma, right?

And karma with best intentions and prayers for others does yield magic. Imagine, a parent whose child was about to die, in need of blood or another child who has to go through hell every month due to the deadly disease of thalassemia. But due to efforts of these volunteers, the same child gets another chance at life, how happy that parent would be. And here these volunteers are saving thousands of such children, and many of these are orphans or have no caretakers and in such scenarios, God our Creator is their only caretaker and in charge, and HE is no less than a parent, for those souls.

In essence, by serving these children, God Himself is pleased with their acts and what follows is no less than magic or miracle. And miracles do happen, we all have experienced them in small ways. But when we open up our hearts, we can expect countless miracles to this extent as experienced by these volunteers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. So this explains the sea of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers thronging the areas of Blood donations, or Tree plantation campaigns. These followers even offer their own kidneys up for donation, while they are ready to continue with a single kidney.

Thus we have a different and a unique world out here in Dera Sacha Sauda, where ever follower strives for the betterment of the children of God and working towards a better world order.

Following their tradition of every celebration with welfare, the Incarnation Month is being commemorated with Blood donations all over. After Mumbai and UP, this week saw thousands of donors in Rajasthan and even in countries abroad like Kuwait, Doha Qatar, etc.

Sri Gurusar Modia Blood Donation Campaign

The Campaign in Sri Gurusar Modia collected 1108 units of Blood and offered free health screening services also to the participants. Of these, 350 also patients got screened for health by specialist Doctors providing their valuable services.

Followers from as far as Punjab and Haryana visited the Sri Gurusar Modia Ashram to donate their precious blood. Teams from various parts of the state visited to collect Blood to meet their huge demand, that shots up in this part of the year, when deadly dengue is all up for grabs. The teams were more than excited as their demands were met with this single Blood Donation campaign.

And the followers couldn't be any more happier, that they were making a contribution towards this noble cause of saving lives and also giving this gift to their Rev. Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, on this special occasion.

This occasion becomes special as this is the birth month and also since this is the only gift which is demanded by the Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. A Tree plantation initiative is one more such gift which never fails to impress their Master.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has been striving for the society day and night, since 1990 when He took over the reins of Dera Sacha Sauda. He has been teaching humanitarian causes as the only way to lead a fulfilling life. And this way of life is followed with more vigour and dedication in months as these. Followers commemorate the occasions of their own marriages too with these endeavors, such is the spirit.

The Blood collected by different teams in this Campaign are as follows:

375 units Blood by Purohit Blood Bank Sri Ganganagar and Sanjivani Blood bank Bikaner's team 181 units Blood by Paras Blood Bank Jodhpur 170 units Blood by Suman Blood Bank Jaipur 215 units Blood by Swastik Blood Bank Sri Ganganagar 102 units Blood by Maitree Blood Bank Suratgadh 65 units blood by Tapovan Blood Bank Sri Ganganagar

Incarnation Month Of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan opened with a bang, with Blood donations, abroad

41 units blood donated by Dera Sacha Sauda followers in Manilla, Philippines

Meanwhile, 41 units of Blood were donated by Dera Sacha Sauda followers in Manilla, as per the teachings of their Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Indeed, this is the spirit that every citizen needs to imbibe for the people and their welfare.

Blood Donation

Every minute these followers are thinking about what they can do to make lives of their fellow citizens better. The place of their stay is immaterial and this is Vasudev Kutumbakam in a real sense, where we believe the whole world is our family and this is what Indian culture is all about.

Whereas people mistake Indian culture with its colorful clothes, and superstitions. But Indians can teach the world how exactly one can live, striving for all others around them, including animals, birds, nature, sun, moon, rivers, ocean etc. It is the rampant industrialization and materialism mentality seeping in from the west that is diluting our values.

Blood Donation Kuwait

Followers in Kuwait collected 28 units of Blood and donated the same for saving the lives of their fellow citizens. Doha Qatar followers on the other hand donated 32 units.

Blood Donation Doha Qatar

As we can see, the month set in, has so far collected close to 5000 units of Blood, with UP clocking close to 2800 units of Blood and Mumbai adding in another 175 units, last week. This week another, 1200 units of Blood was donated by these followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan in different parts of the globe.

What is the most peculiar aspect of the blood donations undertaken by Dera Sacha Sauda followers, is the passion for the same. When rejected for not enough HB levels, or due to any other reasons, these followers feel quite disappointed for not being able to contribute to the cause. They strive to donate blood every 3 months and make conscious efforts to do, sometimes even traveling hundreds of kilometers for the same.

Dera Sacha Sauda, True college of Humanity and Spirituality

In other words, they don't really wait for the campaigns or Blood banks knocking at their doors rather, knock the doors of these blood banks themselves. And this is indeed heartening as they value this wonderful gift given by the Lord Almighty, by which they take the responsibility of passing it on to a needy soul somewhere.

And this sense of responsibility and caring for others has been enthused in these wonderful souls by their Master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan himself. He (Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan) has made sure these children of His, are well trained in the college of humanity. Which Dera Sacha Sauda takes pride in establishing and is grateful to its founder, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, who founded this way back in 1948.

This is the world's only college or university which creates graduates in humanity(the most sought after skill in today's times) and makes sure every student is a merit holder. All thanks to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for such passionate training.

This also leaves us on a thought, that a Master, whose millions of disciples are the epitome of humanity, how will that Master himself be? Can we really guess or imagine?