Jan 24, 2011
  Total Views : 1276

Satguru Ji stopped a train for disciple

Mr. Rameshwar, Mansa, Punjab. He depicts one of the memorable incidents blessed by Adorable Pitaji' in his own words: "Once I went to Sirsa from my village to buy some domestic goods. On the same day I had to go to Bhatinda for buying clothes. At that time there were no good transport means to facilitate. It was an easy going process to reach Bathinda via Sirsa. After buying all the requisites, I reached Sirsa railway station to reach the destination. At that time my both hands were engaged in carrying goods. When I reached on station the train started running slowly. I was standing close to the exit gate of the train. But the door was closed from inside. Suddenly train started moving fast. There was a noise inside the train and I shouted to open the door but no one could hear my screamed voice. I held the door tightly. I was quite scared. During that adverse circumstance, I remembered revered Guruji and I enchanted the Holy slogan 'Dhan Dhan Satguru Tera Hi Aasra' along with reciting Gurumantra from the core of my heart. After a few minutes the train stopped for a while. One of the passengers opened the door carefully and I sat inside the train. The train again started running. No one could guess the reason, why the train stopped for a moment and started again". Only me and my adorable pitaji knows about this mystery. Thus my revered pitaji saved my life. I am very thankful to revered pitaji for bestowing immense blessings upon me.