Jul 5, 2014
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Several Welfare Camps Organized By Dera Sacha Sauda Volunteers On July 5, 2014

Globally renowned Social and Spiritual Organization, Dera Sacha Sauda, has been donating blood for the valiant troops since last several years by sponsoring various camps. Under the auspicious guidance of Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Blood Donation Drive and Free Medical Camp (Jan Kalyan Parmarthi Shivir) were successfully conducted on July 5th, 2014 in the Sachkhand Hall premises, Dera Sacha Sauda (Sirsa). Furthermore, Free Legal Aid, under the welfare activity named 'Free Entitlement' being pursued by Dera Sacha Sauda, was also provided to those who seek such assistance.

The camp was inaugurated by His Excellency Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by joining of ribbons, a practice customary and unique to this institution. On this occasion, Revered Guruji gave 32 calipers to physically disabled, who were undergone check up in the 'Yaad-E-Murshid Free Polio and Disability Prevention Camp' conducted by Dera Sacha Sauda, enabling them regainmobility and a normal life. Three Blood Collecting Teams collected 1673 units of blood in the camp whereas, 1960 patients were undergone medical treatment in the Free General Medical Camp.

Blood Donation Camp by Dera Sacha Sauda

At inauguration ceremony of the camp, His Holiness Guruji asked the well beings of the blood donors and the doctors reached there for rendering their services in the camp and gave them bountiful of blessings. Lions Blood Bank under the leadership of Dr. Hardeep Singh, Purohit Blood Bank, SriGanganagar (Rajasthan) under the guidance of Dr. V.K. Purohit, Lifeline Blood Bank, Nagpur (Maharashtra) under the guidance of Dr. S. Praveen reached over there to collect the blood. And they collected 525 units, 500 units and 648 units of blood respectively. Everyone was enthusiastic to donate blood voluntarily.

Noteworthy, every month a voluntary blood donation camp is organized for Indian Army and Thallesemia patients wherein Indian army along with many other teams collect blood as per their requirements. In the same series, this blood donation camp was organized. On Revered Guruji's single call, around 15,000 volunteers have given their written consent by filling the blood donation form that they would donate blood after every 3 months.

On this occasion, Lions Blood Bank in-charge said, "People shed blood to create violence whereas Dera followers donate blood to save humanity. Dera Sacha Sauda is an Ocean of Blood, and I have never ever seen such kind of ocean anywhere else."On the same day, specialists and super specialists rendered their services  free of cost for heart, cancer, and diabetic patients.  Besides, ENT specialists, gynecologists, dermatologists, and nephrologists extended helping hand for the needy patients.  Also, the patients were provided with free medicines.

In this camp, Dr. C.M. Khanna (New Delhi), Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Dr. Jai Kirtani, Eye Specialist Dr. V.K. Dada, Dr. Tanuj Dada, cancer specialist Dr. Arun Aggarwal (Hisar), Psychiatrists Dr. Iqbal Singh (Patiala), Dr. Vikram Singh (Kalka), Dr. Sanjay Chopra, Dr. Shweta, Dr. Narender Kansal, gynaecologist Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Dr. Reeta Bedi, Dr. M.P. Singh C.M.O. of Shah Satnam Ji Specialty Hospital, Dr. Ashok Insan, Dr. Punit Insan, Dr. Ashok Insan, Dr. Vedika Insan, Dr. Sandeep Bajaj and other paramedical staff rendered their services. On the other hand, legal services regarding land acquisition, insurance and claim, services related consumers and other related matters were provided free of charge. In this camp, 205 people got benefitted.

free legal aid-free entitlement

Sh. Sanjay Katyal (Advocate, Hon'ble Supreme Court), advocates from Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court viz. Sh. Manjeet Singh Ucha, Sh. Tejbhan Singh Gill, Law Officer Sh. Krishan Jaspal Insan, Advocate Sh. Vijay Kumar, Sh. Rajender Singh, Sh. Kewal Brar Insan (Bathinda), Sh. Jagjeet Harmana, Ms. Usha Insan (Hapur, U.P.), Ms. Ranjana Insan (Chandigarh), Ms. Jasbeer Kaur, Sh. Satpal Saini, Sh. Satpal Panwar, Sh. Bakhsheesh Insan, Sh. Amar Singh Kamra, Sh. Gurpreet Singh, Sh. Vivek Insan (Abohar), Sh. Jagdeep Mittal (Chandigarh), and 55 other advocates form Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan also rendered their services.

Separate tables were installed for ladies and gents for the blood donation camp. All were queued up and waiting for their turn. Noteworthy, Dera Sacha Sauda has earned 16 Guinness world Records for conducting the Humanitarian Activities. First of all, on December 7, 2003 a total of 15,432 units of blood were donated in 8 hours only. Second time, on October 10, 2004, 17,921 units of blood and next time on August 8, 2010, total 43,732 blood units were conducted. Revered Guru Ji always teach that "Service to mankind is Service to God"  and to incorporate it in real life His Holiness has undertaken 102 humanitarian activities for the welfare of mankind which are being executed by the followers worldwide with full earnest. Dera Sacha Sauda is generally referred "True Blood Pump" because lacs of its followers are always ready to donate blood whenever and wherever required.