May 17, 2013
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'Shah Mastana Ji Dham', Sirsa, Haryana

Shah Mastana Ji Dham

Established on 29-4-1948 at Sirsa by Beparwah Mastana Ji on Sirsa "“Begu Road [Now Shah Satnam Singh Marg at 2km from Sirsa. It was quite barren land, very undulated and full of thorny bushes and poisonous reptiles. None of the reptiles were allowed to be killed but removed alive to far away places. Underground water was brackish and not fit for drinking and was carted from city. Mud bricks were moulded by devotees in an adjoining pit. A diggie was dug later on. First of all a hut was made for Mastana Ji with an adjoining 'Tera Vaas'. Some rooms with a verandah in front were constructed for sevadars. A strong boundary of thorny bushes was erected all round. It was named as Dera Sacha Sauda with due concurrence, which means the transaction of truth. As per the words of Beparwah Mastana ji truth is God and recitation of God's naam is the true transaction. Everything of this world is destructible except the Naam of God. Hence its recitation is the only true act. Beparwah Ji had said that it is just the beginning. When this dera will grown to its full potential, millions and millions of people the world over will come here, adopt Naam Daan and bow to this Ashram and consider themselves as the most lucky ones. In order to give practical lessons to the devotees Beparwah Ji erected many pucca structures and demolished them simultaneously saying that one must not love one's body too much as it will collapse like these buildings one day. Beparwah Ji ordered for demolishing the personal residence of Shah Satnam Singh Ji with his own hands in order to test his loyalty. All luggage was brought at Sirsa Ashrsm and squandered among the Sadh sangat. A circular  'Tera Vaas' was made using some of the girders out of that luggage during 1959. Param Sant Shah Satnam Singh Ji took over the charge of Ashram after the demise of Beparwah Mastana Ji.and continued the constructions like a big hall at the main gate and so on. Hazur Gurmit Ram Rahim Singh Ji took over as the 3rd Pat Shahi on 23-9-1990. Ashram is progressing by leaps and bound now onwards.