Jun 27, 2015
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Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing Volunteers, Kuwait donated Blood for Shia Mosque Blast Victims

27th June, 2015, Kuwait Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Volunteers, Warriors of Humanity as they are aptly called, in Kuwait, once again rose up to the occasion when a bomb blast took place inside a packed Shi'ite Muslim mosque in Kuwait city during on 26th June. The volunteers donated 12 units Blood and provided support for the injured Victims. A suicide bomber killed 27 people when he blew himself inside the mosque in Kuwait city during Friday prayers on June 26th 2015. The attack also wounded 227 people, in the district of Sawaber in the eastern part of the Kuwaiti capital. The Dera Sach Sauda, Volunteers under the guidance of Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, have always been in the forefront and motivating others in fighting and wading away the tragedies striking the planet from time to time, Be it a fire dousing event in Delhi, or a Tsunami, floods or Earthquake in different parts of the World and the recent assistance during Nepal Earthquake is exemplary. Dr Ali and Dr Aisha expressed their gratitude towards the Volunteers for providing support in this cause towards Humanity.