May 17, 2013
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Shah Satnam Ji Moksh Pur Dham', Baikunth Pur, Distt Koria, Chhatisgarh

Shah Satnam Ji Moksh Pur Dham

Built up in 40 acres area, this Ashram is situated about 2 km from Baikunthpur Railway Station and 5 km from Bus Stand. But, no specific path was there to approach the Ashram. Where this Ashram is situated presently, earlier that place was rocky and infertile. This land was purchased as per the holy precepts. Shahanshah ji asked to make a bridge by removing the stones and to connect that bridge with the main road. With the Divine grace, Shahanshahi  'Tera-Vaas' [sacred abode] and 100x100 feet shed got erected merely in two and a half days and in 27 hours respectively. Besides this, on rest of the land, various kinds of vegetables, Pomegranate, Litchi, lemon, mango, banana, Cashew, papaya, amla, and guava are grown here. Divine grace coupled with the volunteers' hard work transmuted the infertile land into prolific one. A few tribal villages are there on the vicinity of this Ashram. The amazing fact was that commencement of this Dera's construction was done on 9th October 1999, and the Ashram was finalized on 12th October 1999 and Beparwah ji inaugurated it on the same day while christening it as Shah Satnam Ji Mokshpur Dham. On the very next day, His Excellency Guruji conducted an impressive satsang there and imparted glorious Gurumantra to thousands of seekers.