May 17, 2008
  Total Views : 2224

'Shah Satnam Ji Sarv-Kalyan Ashram', Gatouri, Bilaspur, Chhatisgarh

Shah Satnam Ji Sarv-Kalyan Ashram

This Ashram is located in Distt. Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. This Ashram was constructed in 2008. Revered Guru ji inaugurated this Ashram on the festival of Holi. On 24th March, Guruji conducted a Satsang there and divulged Gurumantra [method of meditation] to the seekers. On 27th March 2007, a divine discourse was again conducted there by His Highness Guruji. In addition, with the holy blessings, a voluntarily blood donation camp for the needy ones was also organized by "Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing" and 203 units of blood were donated. After the satsang, His Excellency Guruji divulged Gurumantra to the aspirants.