May 17, 2013
  Total Views : 1706

Shah Satnam Ji Sukhad Pur Dham', Pimprad, Teh. Faltan, Distt. Satara, Maharashtra

Shah Satnam Ji Sukhad Pur Dham

Built up in June 2008, this Ashram is located in Tehsil Phaltan, (District Satara). In this Ashram, there was stony, uneven and rugged land. Sadh sangat [faithful] transmuted this land into leveled fertile one. The most astonishing fact about this Ashram is that whole building of Ashram was constructed in mere 66 hours. Each and every inhabitant of that area had participated in the construction work of this Ashram. On 9th June 2008, Revered Guruji conducted a satsang there and all of the villagers adopted Gurumantra [method of meditation]. This satsang was organized in the newly constructed Ashram and thousands of people let themselves acquainted with the holy sermons. During the satsang, most respected Guruji answered the questions asked by people assembled over there and quenched their curiosity.