Feb 11, 2013
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Souls reach the Eternal Abode with resort to Gurumantra

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million people) expounds that the soul attains the human body with the good luck and fortune. This is that stage of attainment where one can realize God and have an access to the Almighty while living on this planet itself and can reach to the eternal abode by crossing all other planets. Man has got the supreme and sublime body but it is surprising to see that they all are depressed in one way or another. A section of people is tensed due to family problems while others due to business problems. Man has two kinds of lives at his disposal, first of a householder and second of a celibate. Despite the fact that being in a family one remains entangled in many problems. But those who recite Gurumantra and have their two square meals by hard work God nullifies their sorrows, worries and tensions.

Subsequently following celibacy they fulfill their family responsibilities as well. Some celibates do sacrifice everything, but still remain betrothed in family errands. Moreover, married life attracts them and they too decide to get married. On a glance at the householders, a celibate gets fascinated by their life and supposes that they got married, I too will. But he never sees them crying and repenting over their married life. As per Great Saints' sermonize the one who is bachelor wants to get married and after marriage he regrets.

At a particular stage everyone and everything comes to an end. Householder is ready to become a celibate whereas the celibate thinks about marriage to turn out to be happy. In Rajasthan people remove all the hair from camel's tail and the tail looks like a stick, it's done for the reason that it would not be able to sprinkle his urine while urinating, over others due to the tail. Similarly, a celibate must be tension free from everything.

Whenever one arrives at Satsang one must concentrate towards God only. Couple of people comes here with full make up to attract others than to listen to Spiritual Congergation (satsang) and it must not be like that. It is a chief crime. It is better not to come to Satsang rather than this; at least one will be saved from this sin.

One can't interpret others intentions. If one is full of deception one can get rid of it by coming to Satsang and abiding by the holy sermons. One must not give up humanity and chant the God's words intently and earn with full diligence. Man can attain Supreme Being even while living in a family. All of the great Saints whoever have incarnated on this earth so far, were householder and had attained Almighty, God. For this, it is imperative to control negative thoughts and this is possible by recitation only.

Mann (evil force inside the man) is the only perpetrator for cultivating these kinds of thoughts. So, Saints always preach to comply with the holy sermons. Man must engage himself in sewa (selfless services) along with meditation so that he can get rid of sorrows, worries and tensions. When a man gets afflicted from these he blames God Almighty for everything bad that happens to him, while ignoring his own slipups. He must be ashamed of all this. One must ponder over, have Saints ever advocated to doing anything bad? On defying the sermons one can't get the happiness. On listening to and following the preaching one becomes proficient to obtain the immense happiness of both the worlds.