May 9, 2013
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Stopping Female Feticide

Don't kill

When Guruji addresses the gathering numbering thousands, thus, many shudder in agony. People shake their heads in disbelief; others hang their heads in shame and guilt. Guruji conveys the images of the tiny unborn daughter being hacked to pieces in extremely powerful words. After vivid pictures of this grisly crime against humanity are shown, people are distraught and raise their hands in a solemn pledge never to undertake this wilful murder of their daughters. The killing of the unborn daughters inside the womb is an evil perpetuated for a long time in India. With the improvement in medical means, the practice has shifted from female infanticide to female feticide. Apart from being an unpardonable sin, it causes serious social repercussions like demographic gender imbalances that can not be undone. In India, well heeled doctors in posh areas become the perpetrators of this crime. These fetuses are thrown away in rubbish heaps as animals devour them. Which creature, except man, has fallen so low, Guruji asks. Serpents are known to do this, he adds. Particularly in North India, a lot of couples keep trying for a son and have a train of daughters in the process. Guruji pleads with them not to undergo abortions and offers to accept the daughters as his own spiritual foster children. These spiritually adopted daughters are housed in a unique program for orphan and castaway girls called 'Shahi Betian Basera' or the Home of Royal Daughters.

"Even animals risk their lives to save their young ones. But on the other hand when the so called superior organism man finds out about another heart beating in the womb, he is curious for very cruel reasons. He wants to whether it is a baby boy or a girl. If the fetus is male, celebrations start even before birth. And if it is a female, she is murdered in the mother's womb. Clearly, man is trailing even animals in his basic responsibility of protecting his own children."-Guruji

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"The tiny fetus is petrified by the sudden violation of its sacred shell by scissor like instruments. It raises its arms feebly in defense, only to be chopped, sawed and sucked by the marauding instruments. Perhaps, it wants to say, you cruel aggressors, what have I done against anyone, who have I harmed. But there is no one to hear those cries. I want to live, let me live. And the dismemberment proceeds cruelly until the last traces of life are snuffed out". -Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan Pause   and Think for a while See how the human fetus is being served as a delicacy. Chopped heartlessly into bite sized pieces "“ people savour it like a dish. It is made into preparations of various sorts, canned and sold in open markets. People buy this and drool while eating it. Isn't this cruel and satanic? These modern demons beat the devilish demons of yesteryears. They need to be stopped. Collectively, we all have to take steps to stop them.

Strongest Denunciation

Guruji minces no words while condemning those men who force their wives to abort unborn daughters. "You call yourselves brave hearts and men, but the proof of your manliness cries on trash heaps as animals rip it (the aborted fetus) apart. If you think you are men, the intersex individuals are far better than you, who accept their sexuality and God's will without demur. Shame on your manliness! You call female feticide a Clean Up, Is your own blood so dirty that it needs to be cleaned up by killing your own offspring's? And what is that Clean up? Even demons will melt into tears and you are so called humans!? When that little innocent life sleeps inside the safety of the mother's womb, it is shocked after sensing the instruments that are thrust in. The tiny little one thinks that she's safe inside her own mother and desperately tries to escape from the jaws of death. But there is no quarter for escape inside the bag like space. The butchers called doctors, grab and chop the little parts of fetus and yank them out. So ye Gentlemen, Is this the Clean Up of your unborn daughters? There is another way, too. An acidic substance is put into the womb and it contracts, contorts and pushes the burnt body parts of the little one. The hands and feet resemble the petals of rose, and this is the end that they meet. The large head being tough cannot mould and come out. So, a role is drilled with scissors, it is cut to pieces to bring it out. Is this your Clean Up?"