Mar 11, 2013
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The Almighty God Resides in Every Particle

"God Almighty is that power which resides in everyone and every particle." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful). Only Saints can tell the way to have an access to the Almighty God and they incarnate at the will of God, on this earth. They tell the exact path to attain the Almighty. Those who abide by their words they obtain salvation. To realize Almighty God it is required to devote regular time on meditation.

On cannot have the divine vision without chanting the God's words. Moreover, one cannot control one's mann (negative aspect of mind) and cannot come out of the cobweb of lust, avarice, anger, ego and attachment. One must render selfless services because this is the only way to recite intently and one must meditate to have the divine vision. This way, man can get rid of kaal (originator of negative thoughts) and its agents. Those who recite God's words, render altruistic services and abide by the holy sermons never remain deprived of anything. And they get the holy grace and compassion of the Almighty God. Moreover, their past births' bad deeds get nullified and their stakes like deeds are converted into spikes.