May 10, 2013
  Total Views : 2657


Floating in a sea of vested interest, people can not even imagine giving away a hair on their bodies to anyone. And how can a mother part with her own flesh and blood, whom she has reared in her womb? But these considerations vanish in the light of Guruji's teachings. For a childless couple, their entire energies are riveted to having children. Children mean joy and continuation. All legal formalities are carried out as required. In the last few years, 350 children have been given away by parents to childless couples in these unique adoption programs. This also included a phenomenal number of girl children which brings out that Gurujis' initiative in extolling the equivalence of girl children is having the desired effect. In India, inability to have children or infertility is considered a big misfortune. A lot of emphasis is placed on the further once of one's family name. Guruji has catalyzed this unique movement where couples having children give them away to those that are childless. It lights up the childless couple's household with joy to have a tiny tot.

For a childless couple, their entire thoughts are riveted to having children. Children mean joy and continuation. In Dera Sacha Sauda, all such anxieties and tensions vanish from childless couples.

Since 1996 to September, 2011 over 350 adoptions have taken place, in all. Significant numbers of girls were adopted by childless couples. According to Guruji , giving someone joy by giving ones child away for adoption is a great service.