Sep 3, 2024
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The Sacred Month of Gurugaddi: Honoring the Spiritual Leadership of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

Maha Paropkaar- the great benevolence bestowed by the Shah Satnam Ji, wherein his holiness bequeathed the spiritual wealth to his successor, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, presenting his young and powerful form to the world.

The month of spiritual coronation, also known as ‘Maha Paropkaar Month’, is a significant occasion for followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji. 23rd September 2024 – the 34th ‘Maha Paropkaar Day’ marks the anniversary of his spiritual coronation as the spiritual leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda community.

In this month of great benevolence, devotees come together to celebrate and engage in myriad humanitarian activities. 23rd September itself is observed with great enthusiasm and devotion by the followers of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan across the world.

The Establishment of Dera Sacha Sauda

Dera Sacha Sauda: A Socio-Spiritual Organization

Dera Sacha Sauda was founded on April 29, 1948, by Saint Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, following the guidance of his guru, Saint Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. With a divine mission to uplift the people of the Bagar region, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, along with his devotees, embarked on a journey to find the ideal location for an ashram. This search led them to the site that would eventually become Shah Mastana Ji Dham.

The land, once a barren stretch filled with thorny bushes, was transformed under his leadership into a revered spiritual haven. Today, it serves as a place of unity and devotion, where people of all backgrounds gather without discrimination to chant the name of the Supreme God.

About Parampita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj – most revered 2nd Spiritual Leader of Dera Sacha Sauda

Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj, after bestowing spiritual wealth upon His Holiness, honored him with the name ‘Shah Satnam Singh Ji’ and made him the successor to Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa. Shah Mastana Ji explained the significance of choosing the name ‘Satnam,’ stating, “Satnam is the power that governs the Universe; it is the force that sustains the world.”

On February 28, 1960, in front of a large gathering at Dera Sacha Sauda, Shah Mastana Ji publicly declared Shah Satnam Singh Ji as his spiritual successor. Following the departure of Shah Mastana Ji in 1960, Shah Satnam Singh Ji began imparting Naam (spiritual initiation) to people in 1963. His Holiness dedicated himself to this sacred mission for 27 years, from 1963 to 1990, leaving a profound impact on his followers.

His Holiness also held spiritual discourses (Satsangs) across 2,250 villages and numerous cities in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, showering his devotees with love, blessings, and guidance. His followers remain deeply grateful for his kindness and spiritual leadership.

The Desire To Retire 1989

Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji expressed his desire to hand over the reins to a worthy successor. To ensure a seamless transition and avoid any potential disputes, he engaged in a rigorous process of consultation with his disciples for over a year. This deliberate approach aimed to establish the successor's authenticity beyond doubt.

His Holiness declared, "I want to avoid any confusion or controversy surrounding the succession, as has occurred in the past. Therefore, I will appoint my successor in a grand and unprecedented manner, one that will be remembered forever and never replicated again!

In 1981 during a Satsang (spiritual discourse) in Sirsa, His Holiness (Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj), while pointing towards the present master, sermonized about the continuation of the lineage of household. The present chief realized that His holiness would engage him in the household duties now. Thereafter he got engaged in 1982, got married in later years and had children.


A Family's Devotion and Sacrifice

On the evening of September 22nd, 1990, at Shah Mastana Ji Dham, near the langar area behind room number 50, His Holiness Param Pita Ji summoned the present master into His presence. The entire family, including Bapuji (the present master's father), was gathered there.

His Holiness inquired, "Is the entire family in agreement with this decision?" Bapuji responded, "Yes, we are happy. We need nothing." He expressed his deep love for the present master and offered, "Take all our land and property, and grant us just one room here, so that we get to see him (present master) every morning and evening."

His Holiness, while blessing them, replied, "Child, I won't take your property. I have taken the most precious treasure from you" – pointing to the present master. He continued, "This treasure I have taken from you, I won't take anything from him either. I have bestowed upon him the spiritual wealth of both realms.”

A Legacy of Love and Devotion: Dawn of a New Era

23rd September 1990

A formal ceremony was held in Dera Sacha Sauda. A huge following of devotees were present. And His Holiness appointed and declared Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as his successor.

Earlier in the Parampita ji had sent him a white 'parna' (headscarf), which was His Holiness' own. Saint Dr. MSG wore it with a feeling of indescribable spiritual pleasure!

The spiritual throne was bestowed upon Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan by Shah Satnam Ji Maharaj with a garland. The ceremony took place near Teravas (Guru Ji's residence), with the stage positioned facing the gate. Parampita Ji offered him some Parshad (holy offerings), and Saint Dr. MSG partook of it. The present Master was wearing a white turban, although he used to keep his hair trimmed at that time. But Beparvah Ji (Shah Satnam Ji) decreed, 'Keep this (Holy Beard and Hair), or as you wish to.” He replied, "Since you've commanded, I'll keep it." These were the pious sermons and precious moments shared between the two divine personas.

Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji also stated, “Any person who loves Sant Ji (Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan), loves me. Anybody who obeys him obeys me. A person who trusts Him trusts me. If anybody has ill feelings for him, he has the same for me.”

The person to whom this spiritual wealth is granted is an enlightened soul right from his very birth. The Satguru made Him, and others realize His enlightenment.

HUKUMNAMA (The Order) of Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj

With this ceremony, Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji handed over the charge of the Dera Sacha sauda and its followers to Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan and declared, “I am now free from the responsibilities of the Dera. Now my duty is only to eat, sleep, and pray. Sant Ji (Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan) will take care of all the affairs of the Dera. Any person who wishes to talk to me must talk to Sant Ji. I will only watch the devotees come.”

His Holiness performed his duty successfully and went back to his original home – the Home of the Lord on 13th December 1991.

Since then, the amalgamation of all the three powers in the form of Saint Dr. MSG has been working tirelessly day and night towards the revival of humanity, betterment of mankind and instilling virtues, brotherhood, peace and love in the world. More than 68 million followers worldwide follow Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan as their Spiritual Master and are performing 167 welfare initiatives targeted towards well-being of entire mankind.

Thanks to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for guiding us with divine pearls of wisdom, holding our hands and making this world a better place for entire humanity.