Apr 4, 2013
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Thinking Power Gets Reduces by The Negative Thoughts

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by more than 50 million faithful followers presently) expounds that with recitation soul becomes powerful. If you don't meditate regularly in the morning as well as in the evening your negative thoughts will dominate over you. All the negative thoughts originated inside the man are due to mann (negative aspect of mind) and the positive thoughts are due to the soul. With the nocuous thoughts human body gets afflicted from every perspective. Physical power reduces and thinking power also gets lessened. Consequently, self confidence also reduces. As the man used to perform daily chores of activities, same way after getting up in the morning man must wash up his face to feel fresh. If it seems difficult to him then at least while taking bed man must meditate because it is multi folds better than no recitation.

Man must recite for 15 minutes in dawn as well in the dusk for two months to get the happiness. If he does it for one hour daily in the morning and evening then definitely he would get the spiritual bliss and exhilaration. On calculating two hours daily you will find that its sum total is only five days and nights. So this is the best and easiest way to get the self confidence and this is the key to success in every field. Those who have lack of will power they are upset and tensed even for the trifle things. On the contrary, those who have will power they do bear even the biggest problems happily. With self confidence man gets progress in each and every field.

Form materialistic as well as spiritual view point, man uses only 15 to 20 % of his mind. The people who do research and work for 18 to 20 hours they use 15 to 20 % of their mind and the common man uses 10 to 15 % only. Super computer is the smallest invention of human mind. Today scientists also agree to the fact that to get the will power one needs to meditate between 2 am to 5 am for an hour at least. With this, self confidence will be enhanced and you will be able to utilize your mind more than the usual practice. Consequently, you would get rid of sorrows, worries and tensions. So, this terrible era (kaliyug) it is very much important to get the self confidence.

Man cannot guess others' attitude to whom he used to talk because today man changes himself like a chameleon as per his requirements. There are no words to explain about them who have this kind of behavior. If the man is honest to others then God remains honest to him multi folds. Today, all relations are self centered. Due to lack of mediation man faces spiritual weakness. If you say something to anyone he gets aggressive and even ready to kill you. So in this era it is imperative that man must recite God's words for some time. This would help you in getting profits in business too. At least for getting this benefit, man must recite. You will use your mind multi folds and will get progress in very field.

With the will power man becomes physically strong. Moreover, he does not feel any kind of weakness in any field. If you are afflicted with any disease or problem and you cannot share it with anyone. But it is assured that with the resort to Gurumantra you would be able to diminish every weakness form yourself. Psychologists also agree to the same fact. And will power can be attained by meditation. It has uncountable benefits. With meditation you will experience it yourself.