Apr 1, 2013
  Total Views : 893

To Kill Anyone is The Work of Devils Not of The Human Beings

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by more than 50 million faithful followers) expounds that the man must remember his status always. To kill or tease anyone are the works done by the devils not by the men. Not telling lie, not deceiving, not following dishonesty, not involving in corruption, and never thinking bad for anyone are the main activities to be done by the man but today man does not follow it. Man must move on the path of truth without being deluded by anyone. On moving this path and meditating one gets that happiness and bliss which he has never ever imagined. Man must not be scared to move on this path. But today man saves his own life and then thinks about the Almighty God. While meditating if the man has to face any kind of problem then in this way God converts his stakes of deeds into spikes one. Because when the man moves on the spiritual path then God bestows the holy grace and compassion over him internally as well as externally.