Aug 17, 2015
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Tree Plantation & Cleanliness Campaign on The Birthday of MSG

Sadh Sangat of Dera Sacha Sauda, England, UK conducted 19th Safaai Abhiyaan (Cleanliness Camp) on Sunday 16th August 2015. This event was for cleaning a private Alleyway on Clifton Road, Newbury Park in London. 42 volunteers attended this camp which Started at11 am. A private Alleyway where local shopkeepers as well as residents had dumped unused garbage where grass had overgrown and waste water collected, this was a messy task. Volunteers started cleaning the Alleyway and complete the whole task in just 1.5 hours, Volunteers removed   2200 KG (2.2 tonnes) of waste from the area. The junk was a nuisance for the locals, who were pleasantly surprised to see the whole waste removed and that too in a matter of 1.5 hours. The Volunteers thanks Mr Russell Ward for providing the opportunity to the Volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda, UK in making Redbridge Greener. The Devotees of UK feel grateful to revered Guru Ji for his continuous motivation and leading them to a path of selfless service and dedication for Humanity. Dera Sacha Sauda, UK has been taking the initiative and following the teachings of Revered Guru Ji with perseverance and dedication and have been awarded England, UK for achieving 1st position for Cleanliness Campaigns for 2014 - 2015.

Tree Plantation Campaign on 15th August, 2015

On the Auspicious day of Holy Birth Day of pyre Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Volunteers of UK conducted Tree Plantations through different areas in London, in the backyards of their respective houses. Details are as follows Hainault (Ilford) - 45 Southall - 10 Birmingham - 5 Scotland - 4 Surrey - 4 Total - 68 Trees were Planted. Volunteers were overwhelmed to follow the teachings of their Revered Master of celebrating Birthdays or any events by conducting Welfare Events. The Birthday of the Revered Guru Ji is celebrated with gusto by conducting a Mega Tree Plantation Campaign across the Globe. The efforts by these Volunteers to celebrate the Birthday of their loving Guru Ji by planting Trees is commendable and Guru Ji has been guiding the Volunteers to conduct more and more Welfare Tasks taking the list of Welfare Activities to 112. The recent one being added on this 15th August is to "Save the coming generations from Genetic diseases, get a Blood Test done for the Bride& Groom before marriage". a Everybody was truly excited to follow one more task to give the coming Generations, gift of healthy life.