Aug 11, 2014
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Tree Plantation Instructions & Proforma

Tree Plantation Instructions for Mega Plantation Event on 15th August 2014

A Mega Tree Plantation Campaign will take place around the world on the holy occasion of Incarnation Day of His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan Date : 15th of August 2014.

Please refer to the Instructions and Proforma documents for this Mega Tree Plantation.

  • The scheduled time of Namcharcha (a religious program where devotional songs are sung) is 7:00 am to 8:00 am. Make all possible arrangements of tree plantation from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Start planting trees at sharp 9:00 am till 5:00pm.
  • Do provide the exact count of planted trees to your respective 45 members. All incurred expenses should be billed in the name of Shah Satnam ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing. Also make an entry in the Welfare Works' file.
  • Type of plants which can be planted are: Acacia, Tahli (sheesham), Mango, Amla, Guava, Peepal, Neem, Bohar, Teak-sagwan, Lemon, Polyalthia, Flame tree, Java Plum/Jambul, Takoma, Cassia fistula, Terminalia Arjuna, Ashoka, Silver Oak, Populus Ciliata.
  • Each planting pit should be of 1x1 sized and its depth should be of 18 inches.
  • The Chief Guest who would initiate the drive at Block/State level must wear a Badge and a White Hat.
  • Environment Protection related banners must be stringed up at the place where religious congregation is to be held.
  • A boundary fence should be established at the Planting site. It should also be surrounded by proper flags and spotted with whitewash powder.
  • Separate entry gates having green flags and exit gates having red flags should be there. Through entry gates one cannot exit and vice versa. Flex indicating 'In' and 'Out' should be placed on gates.
  • Participants should be present on the allotted place post registration.
  • Just after paying the holy slogan, next immediate action by the participants should be planting of trees.
  • The head (Bhangidas) of every team must continue announcing the values of pollution free environment.
  • Proper communication by Block Bhangidas (head) and 7 members should be there among all the members who are running the drive.
  • Banners (Flex) should be in English language and state specific viz. Hindi, Punjabi or others.
  • Children less than 15 years of age are prohibited to plant the tress and do not cover them under the photos/videos.
  • Only one person should be there while planting a tree at one time. Same should be followed while video/audio coverage. And, only the responsible persons can be there when the Chief Guest plants the sapling.
  • Press notes should be issued on 13th August regarding the Tree Plantation Drive of 15th August which is to be conducted by Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing volunteers. Information about the Chief Guest and Planting Site should also be floated.
  • No duplicate registration should be there.

Instructions During Tree Plantation

  • Maximum participants should be in Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing uniform.
  • Chief Guest should be wearing a badge and white hat during the Plantation Drive.
  • The Chief Guest should be presented with Welfare Activities Book namely Parmarth ke Sache Yodha.
  • Photographs must be captured during planting trees along with the banners.
  • Videos/photos must be captured while participants are having tree plantation tools in their hands.
  • Photos should be captured while digging the planting pits.
  • Every location while planting should be covered in one or two photos.
  • One photo should be captured while paying holy slogan in mikes during the initiation of the drive. In this photo Sadh Sangat should also be covered.
  • Audio/video must be captured while the Administrative representatives along with other participants are engaged in planting trees.
  • Video and audio coverage by the editors of 'Sach Kahoon' newspaper.
  • Coverage of Government Officials' views regarding plantation.
  • There should be a maximum of 10 photos and kindly send the hard copy of the photos along with the soft copies.
  • Video coverage should not go beyond 20 minutes with no editing. It should contain the footage regarding the
  • Tree Plantation only by excluding the Naamcharcha part.
  • How to plant "Triveni" (cluster of three trees, Peepal, Neem and Bohar planted in a triangular shape)?
    • Peepal in North direction.
    • Neem in East direction
    • Bohar in South direction
  • When does"Triveni"release oxygen-
    • Peepal sapling - early in the morning.
    • Neem sapling - during day time.
    • Bohar sapling "“ during night time.
  • Planting Pit size for "Triveni" should be of 2x2 feet and its depth should also be of 2 feet.
  • Triveni should be planted in all the villages of the entire block even if there is no Dera disciple.

Instructions for Sending Details of Plantation

  • An affidavit/certificate/pledge form having the engraved stamp of local council on it must be submitted at village/ block level.
  • The divisional authority members or the agricultural officer (Class-I Officer, Forest Officer, MLA, MP, DC,SP, SDM, Tehsildar etc. should be treated like chief guests. The chief guests should provide evidence on the name of Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing. Chief guests must be present on the spot in between 9:00 am to 10:00 am. However, it the chief guest is late to report, volunteers are requested to initiate the drive on time after paying the holy slogan.
  • The total count of plants, details of all the volunteers, participated in plantation viz, name, address etc. should be written in English and should be easily readable. Only A4 size paper should be used to prepare the record file.
  • Original copies of the newspapers, which will be published on next day of plantation, photos, videos and the news telecasted on TV regarding this event.
  • This report should be encapsulated in green color file with the slip having name of the block and the responsible persons along with their phone numbers.
  • Plantation details should be reported latest by August 22, 2014.
  • The main contents of the certificate by the Chief Guest should be- date i.e. August 15, time and the place where the plantation is done, total number of volunteers participated, total number of plants, Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing name, Revered Guruji's name and Dera Sacha Sauda.

Download Proforma

- Hindi Section - Punjabi Section

Proforma for Counting and Attendance

Note : The above mentioned papers and important documents should be submitted in the Office Welfare Works (Room no-51), Shah Satnam Ji Dham Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa by August 22, 2014. You can ask any Queries related all these proformas from your block's registered Email-id. Office Welfare Works, Room No-51, Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa (Haryana), 125055 Phone No. "“ 01666-238570 E-mail: