May 25, 2021
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An Applauding Tribute to Corona Warriors by Dera Sacha Sauda Volunteers Canada!

Ignoring their own safety, Corona Warriors are turning into life saviors! Dera Sacha Sauda salutes them by heart and provides every help to support them & strengthen the fight against Covid-19!

Covid-19 pandemic is spreading its wings beyond all bounds wreaking miseries all around. In 2021, its second wave has turned more devastating and countless lives have succumbed to death. Inside as well as outside the hospitals, patients are fighting to live and waiting for resources to get proper treatment.

In this mammoth war against covid-19, the unappreciated soldiers in PPE kits, police uniform and all others are playing an applauding role ever. Their endless toil to treat patients, become their mental support, help them reaching hospitals on time, and many other endeavors even by staking own health, is priceless.

DSS Volunteers in Canada Paid Heartfelt Tribute to Corona Warriors!

Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers in India and foreign countries paying a tribute to these heroes, including doctors, nurses, police officers and ambulance drivers. These all have endangered their lives to the virus assault. Most of them are dedicatedly giving their services even on empty stomachs and even facing food insecurities.

Under the pious guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, they are saluting these corona warriors, providing them refreshment, and supporting their services. The front liners in the Ontario province of Canada are consistently fighting to save lives from deadly viruses and are more prone to risk. This area has been contemplated as the one having the highest infection rate so far.

So, their services are really appreciable. To pay them homage for their altruistic services, Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing volunteers from Toronto salute them as guided by Guruji. Besides the provided refreshment i.e. 240 juice boxes. They followed all the guidelines properly and no large gatherings were held to distribute refreshment among them.

These juice boxes were delivered to Paramedic Community relations officer Brad Bowie at Paramedic headquarters in Brampton. Mr. Brad Bowie will further distribute it to all corona warriors. The officer conveyed thanks to volunteers for this donation. He also was quite impressed by the uniform worn by Shah Satnam Ji Green 'S' Welfare Force Wing volunteers.

Not just in Canada, but in many other countries, volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda are performing this applauding work of appreciating corona warriors. It's important to become moral support of these heroes who are tirelessly providing their services to covid patients. This initiative of providing them refreshment and saluting them for their services is giving a big lesson to the society.

Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers Toronto prays to Satguru Ji to keep guiding all of them so that collectively this battle to eradicate the coronavirus can be won soon. We all thank Guruji for inspiring all volunteers to perform such noble deeds to the maximum.