Jun 3, 2016
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True Way of Living is with Meditation Only- Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

"The supreme method of meditation is a treasure of happiness. On reciting God's words one would surely become worthy of bliss", said Saint Dr.Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan while addressing the disciples during weekly congregation at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa. A few further excerpts from the Satsang are as follows:

You can see the scorching weather these days, how do bodies heat up in extreme  summer. Cold water and fan relieve us of the summers. We would  work in farms like many of you do, even the hot winds bring cool breeze under the shade of a tree. And it feels even better if you get cooler or AC. So man has "‹ devised many devices for his convenience. Likewise, it's been years that the soul is bearing the warmth of birth cycle and accumulated sins. But there's only one way to lighten this burden, and that is God's prayer. The most wonderful thing about prayers is that it costs you nothing "‹ whereas you have to pay installation fees for fans, coolers and ACs. Their services are only temporary. Instead if you pray, your past sins will shed off and even the future would be bright with God's grace. Everyone wants happiness in life and it is possible only "‹by meditating the holy divine words. It is the only method to treat the maladies of soul. You become happier as much as you pray.

Human birth is to liberate oneself from the birth cycle and to attain ultimate salvation. But vices and Mann (the negative power) have overpowered the human rationale. Instead of paying off for past sins, human is doing even more misdeeds. The way you feel relaxed from the heat using fan, cooler or ACs, same way human body is an AC for the soul. But as every appliance needs power to function, God's prayer is the power for the soul. It acts as powerhouse for your spiritual as well as worldly growth. It brings inner happiness and prosperity in profession also. But as aforesaid, only true meditation is the way out. You can recite it while eating, lying down, walking and it will flourish. You don't need to change your religion or attire. So it is really simple to earn God's blessings. Dear Sadh Sangat Ji (devotees), we all are obliged to help the needy in this heat.

"‹Keep water for the birds on the terrace of your houses or under shady trees and their souls will pray for you.  "‹Panch Sarpanchs  must get water storage tanks constructed for the stray animals of village.  "‹If there's much water near your area, search for some place of many by goers and scarcity of water, and arrange water for them. This is very blissful  "‹task.  All these efforts will quench their body's thirst for water, not their soul's. So bring them along and connect them to the Supreme Power. If you introduce the head of a family to spirituality, then the whole family would bless you.

Make it a habit to meditate regularly. Start with small periods of time. It is the source of willpower and success in the long run. Excellence follows those who have courage. And the  Gurumantra, method of meditation is the only tonic for increasing the willpower. Now it's up to you whether you use it or not. Some people take the method of meditation but don't chant it regularly. Unless you are regular, your future doesn't get any better. So you all serve the destitute selflessly, it would be even better if you meditate as well. It is very easy to pass time in gossiping and back biting, but actually that is time 'waste'. If you want to talk ill and have guts enough, talk about yourself. Only blessed souls have that courage like Saint Kabirdas ji said, "Kabira sabte hum bure, hum taj bhala sab hoye; jin aisa kar maneya, meet humara soye". It's easier said than done. The one, who thanks God for everything, earns the blessings. But who boasts of himself and doesn't acknowledge almighty, he loses everything. So kill your excessive pride. If you want to see God, give up all your bad thoughts and vices.

  Some people are connected with influential personalities, and serve them despite being free soul of the Lord. Animals are domesticated due to their past deeds, but a human serving other humans is weird. Almighty has blessed man with intellect and self reliance. So pray to Him and never back out from pious deeds. But the way ants search for cracks, similarly man looks for misdeeds, follows them and spoils the life of his family as well. Those who always support righteousness, serve the destitute selflessly and meditate are the fortunate ones. So listen to  Satsang  (spiritual congregation) very carefully and adopt it. Your inner evils will tempt you not to attend it by giving numerous excuses of heat, crowd etc, but you must fight back; otherwise it will take you to hell. Even if you bear with some sweat, your uncountable misdeeds will pay off because His name is very pious. He takes nothing but only gives. You never know what had to flow that was replaced by sweat only. So it's really big thing to listen to God's words, and even bigger in this scorching sun. Obviously you'll get more blessings.

Those who meditate daily have the peace of mind and inner contentment. Those who don't meditate face many problems. It is mentioned  in our  scriptures  that God's prayer makes one feel million times the coolness of ice. So follow a routine and do exercises early in the morning and after supper. It enhances metabolism and helps in spiritual growth also. You can even meditate while walking around as it never goes in vain; God always accepts the time you devote to Him. But there is no solution except meditating.   Now talking of the worldly heat and weather conditions, take plenty of water in this season, especially those who "‹"‹exercise. Always keep a water bottle handy while working out alone. Eat light food timely and avoid fried items. It's a saying that you regret more by eating than by staying hungry. Having too much food in this weather may lead to vomit and loose motion. So have light diet timely and work out. Wear cotton clothes with lighter shades. Avoid taking babies out in loo wind, but if it's necessary, feed them with mother's milk and other liquids. Wear covered clothes as much as possible. Add seasonal fruits, like watermelon, to your diet but don't consume water afterwards.

"‹"‹"‹Buttermilk and  Chaach  can be made at home and are really beneficial when consumed cold. Earlier when refrigerators were not available, these liquids were stored in earthen pots placed on gravel in the open and left overnight to enjoy them chilled in the morning. So there are people who live such life even today because this body adapts  according to the way we maintain it. Avoid hot and cold flashes by not doing sudden transitions between a hot and cold place. Keep a wet cloth with you always. It has been proven scientifically that while drinking water, it is important to wet your lips as the glands also need hydration. This method is a part of our rich Indian tradition and culture which is world's best. But if you consume water directly in throat, the lips remain dry and the thirst is not quenched completely.

Our civilization is world's number one. There were no diseases or doctors, not even Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) in Rajasthan. It was all possible as everyone got up at 4 am in the morning and consumed fresh  Lassi  and  Chaach,  which were both tasty and nutritious. Then we had breakfast, lunch and dinner, right before sunset. Around 8 or 9 pm, it felt as if there's no resident in the village as everyone had already slept to wake up early next morning. But nowadays, people make excuses. They blame children and TV shows for their sleeping disorders. Some kids see horror shows and get frightened at night. Indian culture and civilization is the need of the hour. It's important to bring back liquids like  Chaach, Sattu  and  Thandai. We used to make  Thandai  for our kids as reminded by my daughter, so we'll try to get it launched by the MSG All Trading Company.

Dress properly in this season. Cotton is considered to be the best fabric. People wear according to their choices, but none matches cotton. Moreover, the food these days is poisonous and is necessary to be cleaned. Wash the vegetables in lukewarm salt water before cooking them. You may heat the water under the sun also. Rub the vegetable in that water and all the chemicals would wash away from the surface. Such food would be really healthy. So it is crucial to pay attention towards these small things.

Earlier, mothers used cotton clothes for infants. But these days, diapers have replaced those clothes for the parents"‹' convenience. It soaks the child's urine or feces, and dries after sometime. It is often tied so tightly, that it hinders in the child's growth. This unnatural method even narrows the thinking of the child as grown up. So this is an important issue. It doesn't lower your standard to use cotton clothes instead. Earlier, people were even 15 feet in height when brought up this way. So it is unfair to control a child's growth for your own convenience. Also, most of the parents have distorted  the routine of children by making them sleep according to the decided time. It's another excuse to say that the child doesn't sleep timely. Only you have made him so.

"‹Therefore, eat before sunset, have fresh or boiled milk before sleeping as it helps in body repair. It is really healthy when chemical free. Sleeping and waking up on time eradicates many diseases. Also, it is easy to concentrate on meditation early in the morning due to the pleasant weather. So manage your time properly, follow a fixed routine and inculcate selfless service and meditation in it to lead a healthy and happy life, free of even the accumulated sins.