May 16, 2021
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Meet Unacclaimed Volunteers Expressing Solidarity and Providing Refreshment to Corona Warriors!

'We Salute Corona Warriors for Keeping Everything at Stake to Save Lives'

The deadly second wave of coronavirus confronted the entire world with a crisis like never seen before. In India, most of the states are facing a lockdown to fight the pandemic. Where all the educational institutions were bound to give online sessions to their children, there almost every business was forced to pull their shutters for safety purposes.

Salute to corona warriors - Unn - Shamli - Uttar Pradesh - Dera Sacha Sauda

As usually said, 'All Heroes Don't Wear Caps', we can't deny the applauding work of corona warriors. These unnoticed and underrated certain people are ensuring the security and safety of people by standing staunchly. Even when people are forced to stay at home for their safety and combat the risk of virus spread, these warriors step out to smooth up & save the lives of people by providing a wide array of services.

Dera Sacha Sauda Volunteers Saluting and Distributing Refreshment to Sleep-Deprived Heroes!

To bring these unsung corona warriors to the notice and paying homage for their tireless endeavors they are performing by even staying away from their families for months, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan extolled them by heart. Guruji persuaded in the 5th letter, the Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers to distribute fruits and lime water to all corona warriors and salute them for their endless efforts during these hard times. Guruji wrote,

29 अप्रैल को आप प्रण करें कि “कोरोना वारियर्स” डॉ , नर्सें, पुलिस व् एम्बुलेंस के ड्राइवरों को किन्नू, संतरा, निम्बू पानी व् फ्रूट बाटेंगे। “कोरोना वारियर्स” जहां भी दिखें उन्हें सलूट मारें व् उनका पूरा सहयोग करे।
Take a pledge on 29th April to distribute Kinoo, Oranges, Lime Water, and Fruits to "Corona Warriors" such as doctors, nurses, police, and ambulance drivers. Wherever found, salute these "Corona Warriors" and help them thoroughly!

Nevertheless, this deadly situation is creating unexpected devastating circumstances; these warriors are lending their endless services even though they are vulnerable to this deadly disease. They stood strong in every situation and aiding their valuable services 24*7.

Following the words of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are providing refreshment to these corona warriors in every state and city. They are appreciating their services by heart and helping them in every possible way.

Salute to corona warriors - Muzaffarnagar - Uttar Pradesh - Dera Sacha Sauda

Beyond any doubt, it's the best way to pay tribute to these Corona Warriors who are even sacrificing their lives in their line of duty. Following all the protocols, Dera volunteers are honoring them and appreciating each endeavor!

Every day, these warriors are keeping society safe even by cutting themselves off from their relatives and near ones. Even lifelong gratitude is not enough for their priceless services towards the nation. For their sacrifice, this tribute of saluting, providing refreshment, and helping them consistently is reforming the thoughts of society towards these unsung heroes.

We Salute These Front-Line Warriors who are fabulously coping with the most difficult time and fulfilling their duties despite the ravage!