Apr 21, 2013
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Whole Family is Benefited If Even One Family Member Listens To Satsang

"One who comes and listens to Satsang and brings anyone alongwith to Satsang is beneficial not only for that person and family rather it is advantageous for generations too. One is be bestowed with the holy grace and compassion, beyond words." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pita Ji" by over 50 million faithful followers presently). During the Satsang, His Holiness Guru Ji bestowed the glorious method of meditation to 8,650 seekers and liberated them from transmigration of births and deaths. Lakhs of people reached over there from Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, U.P., Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and many other states to let themselves acquainted with the holy sermons. Moreover, a lot of devotees listened to the Satsang via Internet. Jaam-e-Insan (Nectar of Humanity) was also served to thousands of aspirants. On this occasion, His Excellency, Guru Ji sang a hymn,

"Tune tirachi aankhon se dekha to mera system hil gya

in His melodious voice. On its tunes, all the people present over there danced a lot in joy. Two couples were also tied in the nuptial lock. After the Satsang, all of the people were served with Langar (community meals) within few seconds. A few further excerpts from the Satsang are as follows: In this terrible kaliyuga (era of satan) people pick up quarrels with others. The people who are driven by mann (negative aspect of mind) never like to see others having mutual love or in high spirits and try to create hindrances in their way. Those who help others to know God they are the most loved ones of God. The volunteers who take others along with them to obtain Gurumantra (they are just ruining their lives with drugs, and narcotics); they are the blessed ones. Fortunate are those who help others to adopt Gurumantra and have Jaam-e-Insan. They get a hold of the holy grace and compassion in abundance. God blesses one for every step taken in the direction of Satsang; meditating and listening to the hymns in the spiritual congregation is better than best. On following the holy sermons a person will never be deprived of anything because the power in Gurumantra can never be narrated in words. But the need is to meditate intently so that one can get the holy grace.