Mar 30, 2013
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With Firm Faith One Gets The Divine Love

Revered Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan (addressed as "Pitaji" by over 50 million faithful followers) exhorts that when the man keeps on serving others they may or not get benefitted but the God Almighty definitely blesses him due to his intention. Lord bestows the holy grace upon the man with respect to his devotion and intention but it is not a small thing to have firm faith upon Him. A few further excerpts from the Satsang are as follows:-

There are some flaws inside the man due to which he considers all other as same as he is. But one must listen to the holy sermons and always do good to all. This way, whole world will be yours. None would be alien to you. It is imperative that never involve in anyone's love so that you may forgot God Almighty too. God is full of compassion but it is not the case that HE would bestow the grace by appearing on the same place. If one has longing and love for Him, He bestows the grace from anywhere.

One must never be egoistic rather he must be polite always. We all are one and all are the creation of God. If one keeps firm faith on Him by relegating the censuring and slandering then he gets all his terrible deeds get nullified. While on the contrary if one remains indulged in ifs and buts his small diseases also take the form of untreatable diseases. So, one must have mutual selfless love by quitting the ego. Consider every elder one as your parents, siblings to your age mates and children to the younger ones. With meditation you would definitely become brim full of grace and compassion. You would get happiness in both the worlds.