Jun 14, 2020
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World Blood Donor Day | Safe Blood Saves Lives | 14th June 2020

15 minutes of time, 1 unit of blood, that's all it takes to save 3 lives. Heroism comes in various forms; bravery, courage, and valor are not just the attributes of commandos and soldiers. When a common man steps up, walks that extra mile and donates a unit of blood with the intention to save someone's life, he performs an act of heroism so big for which no words are enough to appreciate. As humans, we all need each other, but today the greatest need is for more donors to come forward, donate blood, and save as many lives as possible.

The World Blood Donor Day

The World Blood Donor Day celebrates the volunteer blood donors all over the world and aims to create wider awareness of the importance of blood donation and the usage of safe blood products and blood. But this year, as we celebrate World Blood Donor's Day on the 14th of June, the world also faces a dire shortage of blood donors which is a direct consequence of Corona spread. In times like these, it is imperative that each one of us comes forward to donate blood while following the social distancing, hygiene, and the recommended safety guidelines so that the donors remain safe and the lives of patients are saved. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=605865086721705

Benefits of Blood Donation

A single unit of blood can be donated by a healthy person in less than 15 minutes and it is possible to save 3 lives from one unit of blood. The benefits of blood donation are not just limited to a person who receives blood, the donor also gets many benefits. These are as follows: "“ Blood Donation helps reduce cholesterol levels "“ Patients of high BP benefit a lot by donating blood as our regulates their blood pressure "“ The new blood formed is better than before and provides a better immunity "“ Blood donation drastically reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. "“ The psychological satisfaction of being able to help someone and save someone's life.

Famous World Records in Blood Donation

Let's talk about the famous Indian Blood Donation Records in the Guinness Book of World Records, all of which have been made by the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda, under the valuables guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. These records are as follows "“ On 7th December 2003, 15432 units of blood were donated in the Blood donation camp organized at Dera Sacha Sauda "“ And on 10th October 2004, 17921 units of blood were donated in the Blood donation camp organized at Dera Sacha Sauda "“ On 8th August 2010, 43732 units of blood were donated in the Blood donation camp organized at Dera Sacha Sauda

Breaking the Stereotype, Millions Pledge to Donate Blood

Blood donation has been a taboo, especially in Indian society. People used to be scared of donating blood and would not come forward to donate it even for their own family members in times of need. Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan encouraged people to do regular blood donation, explaining to them the multiple health benefits for the donors, as well as the spiritual benefits of Saint someone's life. It is the vision of Guruji that no one should die due to a lack of blood. With Guruji's inspiration, millions of people made written pledges to donate blood regularly. To date, more than 5,00,000 units of blood have been donated by the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda across the world and millions of lives have been saved.

The True Blood Pump

Be it thalassemia patients, accident victims, or patients in need of an operation, the Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are ready to donate blood for the needy 24 X 7. Every month a blood donation camp is organized at Dera Sacha Sauda, in which blood bank teams from all across the country come to fulfill their needs. Many blood banks of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan fulfill their regular blood needs from this monthly blood donation camp and are all praises for the passion, compassion, and enthusiasm shown by the donors for blood donation. In their own words, they end up collecting mode blood than they anticipate and are extremely thankful to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for filling such kindness and passion in the volunteers who don't think twice before donating blood. It is because of this dedication, zeal, and the readiness of the volunteers 24 X 7 to donate blood, that Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan named them as 'True Blood Pumps'.

Blood Donation in times of COVID-19

Today the whole world is facing the biggest health challenge mankind has ever faced in the last 100 years, in the form of Coronavirus or COVID-19. The extremely contagious form of the disease has had a great impact on the blood donation as well, creating a massive shortage of blood in blood banks worldwide, thereby causing more suffering for patients in need of blood. But the Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers have stood true to their pledge and have been donating thousands of units of blood to help the hospitals and blood banks fulfill their blood requirements. They follow the safety protocols and guidelines, social distancing, and hygiene practices and have been answering every request of the hospitals and blood banks by donating blood. Their courage gives us a lesson to learn as well, that we need to rise as the challenge grows, that when the going gets tough, the tough get going, that we as human beings can collectively make a positive impact and a massive difference and can rise above and beyond any adversity or challenge. So on this day, let us all make a commitment to become a blood donor and donate blood regularly while following the hygiene and safety guidelines.