Jun 5, 2021
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World Environment Day - Pay Heed on Nature's Warnings

It's our moment to pursue change by turning bold & active towards nature's upliftment. Any delay might cause an irrecoverable loss!

The unfaithful and adverse behavior of humans towards nature is wreaking disastrous outcomes every passing moment. The forests have been vacated to give enough land for encasing playgrounds and edifices. We are taking a dig at our lives that we have to bear in the future.

Thankfully, the days like World Environment Day aware the masses of the damage being done to mother earth and remind them to take necessary steps before it's too late. The environment we live in is made up of us and harming it in any way endangers every species it encases. Our interaction with the environment is so polluted that we ourselves have turned into a big danger for survival. Dera Sacha Sauda has emerged as the torchbearer for the society. With its attempts, around 60 million volunteers are consistently performing environmentally favorable activities and restoring the ecosystem in the best possible manner.

The Theme- Ecosystem Restoration!

It's high time that man has been destroying the ecosystem of the planet, so this year holds the theme of 'Ecosystem Restoration', stressing our responsibility towards our planet and its environment. It's our responsibility to halt the damage being done to it by regular activities. The unusual climate changes and epidemics are proof of our disturbed ecosystem. There's now a dire need to reverse the damage and save the environment from extreme exploitation. It highlights the duty to heal it to the core by performing environment upliftment works. Let us all kick off environmentally friendly activities to counteract climate change, boost up people's living and halt biodiversity subsiding.

Dera Sacha Sauda Initiatives to Restore Ecosystem!

A wide array of initiatives have been carried on by Dera Sacha Sauda at the world level to bring the desired change and restore our ecosystem. 65million people are wholeheartedly and zealously carrying on these initiatives on a mass level and spreading awareness as well to awaken society regarding its duties and responsibilities towards our environment and mother earth. Here's a sneak peek at environment-saving initiatives!

Tree Plantation

Where technological advancement ease out our routine works and made our mundane even more relaxing than ever, there its impact on nature is alarming. The dependence on modernization hooks up pollution in the air and this environmental danger is endangering our lives in return. One of the solutions that can bring a positive and vital impact is planting as many saplings as possible. As edified by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers plant at least one tree every month, thus promises to plant at least 12 trees per year. Not just planting, they nurture those plants like their children and let them grow flourishingly. It means trees are planted in millions every year by Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers. Besides, every year on the birth anniversary of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, i.e. on the 15th of August, volunteers plant maximum saplings to pay tribute to their Spiritual Master. Guruji urged all that if disciples desire to give a gift on the birthday of His Holiness then plant maximum trees on that day. It will not just a gift for Guruji but will prove as your priceless contribution to nature's upliftment. In the year 2020, 6,235,798 plants have been planted by Dera volunteers that made the count of plants 4 crores plus so far. Around 80% of these are still alive and providing umpteen benefits to society at large. Alongside, DSS volunteers celebrate each occasion of their lives by planting trees. All these healthy rituals have been carried on with the guidance of Guruji worldwide.

Cleanliness Campaigns

Another disgraceful fact about human behavior is the spawning of impurities and non-manageable waste. The slime is being mixed into water bodies that are making oceans poisonous for the living beings residing inside. The height of ignorance is making it difficult for people to live and breathe properly. To remove this smudge, His Holiness took initiative to make the earth filth-free by starting 'Cleanliness Campaigns'. These campaigns have been carried in all parts of the world. Besides land cleaning, the most sacred Ganga River has also been cleaned thoroughly. Millions of tons of garbage have been extracted to clean the stains of the Ganga River. The major idea behind conducting these campaigns is to aware the masses of irresponsible acts being performed worldwide that are directly or indirectly harming the environment.

Shun Plastic Usage

The volcano of plastic on which we all are residing can burst anytime. Though it's already impacting negatively on our health and the whole ecosystem, our immediate acts to stop this menace can prove fruitful for us. Before it's too late, let us shun the use of plastic and invest in our health. Plastic hikes up water, air, and land pollution. To stop its ill effects, His Holiness initiated the 'Bye Bye Ethene' initiative and aware the masses of its hazardous impact. Guruji urges people to use cloth or jute bags instead of plastic and millions are following His guidelines in this regard. Besides these, many other initiatives have also been started to fuel up the restoration of the ecosystem. It includes 'Pollution-free Environment' focusing on keeping a check on pollution by stopping burning the fodder and using it to produce manure, 'Water is Life' under which remedies are adopted to save water with all means, 'Save Energy' initiative highlights the importance of water & electricity in life and suggests ways to save it, like installing solar panels. This year, kick-off World Environment Day by pledging to make attempts in saving the planet, restoring the ecosystem, and doing every effort to save the environment from degradation. Dera Sacha Sauda is consistently making efforts in this regard for many years. With the inspiration and sacred guidance of Guruji, these initiatives have been giving a remarkable contribution to green footprint and urge all to maintain the beauty of our planet.