Sep 29, 2024
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World Heart Day 2024: Make Your Heart Truly Happy

Every heartbeat is precious, yet millions of people worldwide are at risk of heart diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide, claiming 20.5 million lives globally. But do you know that 80% of these premature deaths can be prevented?

Increase in sedentary lifestyles, deskbound jobs, rising trend towards consumption of junk food and lack of exercise have all contributed to the surge in heart-related ailments, even among young people. Cardio diseases, which were once largely attributed to one's age, are now seen on rise among the young people.

Hence the significance of World Heart Day cannot be overstated.

Theme: Use Heart for Action

The theme of world heart day 2024 is "Use Heart for Action”, which shall continue till 2026. This global campaign spreads awareness and encourages individuals to take deliberate and relevant actions to promote their heart health. The theme is also a call to action for individuals to advocate for policy changes. It calls out communities, policy makers, organizations and governments to formulate and implement regulations and policies that support heart health.


In response to the significant rise in cardiovascular diseases, particularly among younger populations, the World Heart Federation, in collaboration with the WHO, established World Heart Day in 1999. It was on 24th September 2000 that the first world heart day was celebrated. Initially marked on the last Sunday of September, the date was standardized to September 29th globally in 2011.

Every Step Counts, Every Choice is Significant

Cardiovascular diseases can impact anyone regardless of their age, gender or socioeconomic background. Hence it is vital that individuals take the responsibility for their well-being by making small yet impactful changes in their lifestyle, such as:

  • Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into their diet
  • Getting some form of exercise such as daily brisk walks, yoga, deep breathing or cardio exercises depending on individual’s health conditions.
  • Scheduling regular preventive checkups

Sustained individual efforts, collaboration of organizations and effective policy implementation can go a long way in preventing CVDs and save many precious lives.

Clear Goal, Purpose and a Roadmap

In the absence of an action plan, individuals may find the road ahead to be hazy and may not be able to take deliberate and impactful actions.

Lack of resources and medical infrastructure, insufficient finance coupled with unawareness are some of the challenges faced by rural communities. To aid them overcome these challenges and assist in living heart-healthy lifestyle, a socio-spiritual organization in north India- Dera Sacha Sauda, has been running 3 vital initiatives that promote heart health, under the leadership of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.


True Heart Attack Prevention Program for You - TRUE HAPPY, is a project for free heart checkup and prevention of heart diseases through a holistic and preventive approach. Commenced on 29th April 2008, the programme launched one of its biggest cardiac risk profiling camps in January 2010 by screening 10,000 individuals. Individuals are screened for lifestyle factors, blood pressure BMI, weight, ECG and other blood tests, and are provided personalized prevention or treatment plans and awareness to reduce future heart problems. The project has been successfully running to prevent the occurrences of heart attacks, heart failures and strokes, benefitting thousands.

Heart (Healthy Heart Campaign)

H- Happy by Meditation

E- Exercise- Bouncy Jogging and Maximal Exercise for a few minutes

A-Avoid Sugar, Fried, and Junk Food

R-Regular Check-up (Diabetes, BP, and Cholesterol)

T- Totally Stop Smoking and Alcohol

From what we eat to how we think and respond to stress, our daily habits profoundly affect our heart health.

Stress, often called a "silent killer," can weaken the heart over time. To manage stress, individuals are encouraged to incorporate meditation in their daily routine, which acts as an elixir for their soul, strengthening willpower, resolve and resilience.

Exercise not just boosts the mood, it strengthens our muscles and promotes heart health. One must exercise daily which promotes sweating and blood circulation.

Diet must be rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins and necessary nutritional components while avoiding sugar, fried foods and junk foods.

Liquor, smoking and drugs eventually weaken the heart, leading to heart diseases or even an early heart failure. The initiative promotes abstaining from them.

Timely preventive check-ups can prove to be boon in saving one’s life. Hence it is vital for people of all age groups to schedule them.

Millions of people have pledged to follow a heart healthy lifestyle based on this initiative, and are leading a healthy life.

THINK (Telling People to Eat Healthy Food to Increase Natural Immunity against Many Kinds of cancer & heart diseases.)

T - Telling People to Eat

H - Healthy Food to

I – Increase       

N - Natural Immunity against Many

K - Kinds of Cancer and Heart Diseases

The immune system is the body’s natural defence mechanism; it prevents infections, fights off diseases, and maintains overall health.

Nature provides us with health boosting minerals, vitamins and essential nutrients through fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Regular consumption of healthy food boosts immune system which plays a crucial role in preventing heart diseases and cancer by detecting and eliminating abnormal cells before they can develop into serious conditions and keeps inflammation at bay.

Launched on 1st September 2024, by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the initiative aims to spread awareness and curb the exponential rise of heart diseases and cancer cases.

Our heart is the most vital organ, keeping us alive and thriving. This World Heart Day, lets commit to showing some love to our heart by making strategic lifestyle changes that promote heart health, as guided by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan via 3 commendable initiatives. Let’s also spread awareness, help the less informed so that heart diseases become a thing of the past.

Happy World Heart Day