Jul 27, 2024
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World Nature Conservation Day: A Day to Reflect, Reassess and Recommit to Conserving Nature

From tiny moss growing on the bedrock of a lake to giant rainforests blooming with wildlife, from insects thriving in scorching desert to bacteria in sub-zero temperatures of the Arctic, nature supports life in its myriad forms.

The profound vastness of life on earth is supported by various elements of nature. In a way, nature encompasses life; nature is the collective consciousness of this earth, making it a living planet. Hence it is paramount that we, as humans, protect and conserve nature and natural resources with utmost caution.

It is a miracle that God has provided every element and every resource needed for life to thrive on this earth for free - breathable air, drinking water, soil, trees, rivers, oceans etc. Our ancestors respected nature; they lived in coordination with nature and the nature’s bounties were free for all – right from fruits, vegetables and herbs to the land they lived on.

However, time progressed, greed and self-interests took over and gradually, humans began exploiting nature, recklessly using its resources to satisfy their needs while forgetting that they evolved from nature itself. By rampant deforestation, excessive use of water, polluting the natural resources and destroying natural habitats of wildlife, humans have called destruction upon themselves, which is visible in terms of changing climate, abrupt weather patterns and increasing stress on resources.

But collective efforts can yield favourable outcomes. On this Nature Conservation Day, let’s see how our efforts can shape our future.

Nature Conservation Initiatives: Impactful steps in the Right Direction

While the world was still trying to understand how to conserve nature, one man had started working at grass root levels, making a huge difference, and inspired millions along the way.

To help the nature thrive and ensure the continuation of ecological balance, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the Spiritual Leader at Dera Sach Sauda, launched multiple nature conservation initiatives. Each one of us can seek inspiration and endeavour to be a part of these initiatives, as much as we can.

Nature Campaign

Trees are the lungs of our earth, emitting life-giving oxygen, absorbing CO2 and reducing green house effect. They provide habitat to wildlife, maintain ground water levels, reduce temperature, keep the air clean and are a source of food for both humans and wildlife.

Considering the need to conserve nature, Saint Dr. MSG initiated Mega Tree Plantation Drive in 2007, as a part of which 40,00,000 trees were planted in the first drive.

Till date 5,19,18,665 trees have been planted across India and worldwide by Dera Sacha Suda volunteers under his holiness’s guidance.

This prominent Nature Conservation initiative by Dera Sacha Sauda has received worldwide accolades and inspired others to follow the suit.

Water is Life

Earth’s resources are finite; hence it is paramount that they be used judiciously. Limited resources of fresh water on earth, high depletion rate of groundwater and ever-increasing population put an extremely high pressure on this extremely valuable resource.

Hence Saint Dr. MSG inspires masses towards recycling and reusing water.

  • One of the main initiatives started by guruji is encouraging the farmers for rainwater harvesting, which is highly beneficial for irrigation of crops.

Guruji recommends easy and low costing technique involving digging a pit, covering it with a thick sheet of plastic and covering it with some mud. The tank thus created can be used for harvesting rainwater. Using a simple motor, this water can be used to irrigate crops via drip system or fountain system, to optimise water usage.

  • Guruji also recommends reusing the water used for bathing via a simple filter system formed by pebbles and sand. This largely removes soap and yields relatively clean water for irrigation.

  • For urban dwellers, Saint doctor MSG recommends many tips like using a cup filled with water for brushing the teeth or shaving, using bucket for bathing or mindfully using the shower, getting any tap leakages fixed and meanwhile collecting the leaking water in a bucket.

Scientific Farming and Self Sustenance

Apart from water saving initiatives in agriculture and urban areas, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has spearheaded many sustainable and innovative programs for agriculturists that help with nature conservation.

Promoting Organic Farming: Providing free trainings to the farmers where they are taught about creating their own organic fertilizers and pesticides, they receive knowledge regarding high quality seeds and lucrativeness of organic farming.

Multiple crops on same piece of land: Using scientific approach, Guru ji himself has grown 13 varieties of crops (including vegetables, etc) on a single piece of land organically, achieving high yield with low water usage. The technique is also taught to farmers free of cost.

Training Farmers in Advanced Technology: Through the annual Kisan Mela, the farmers are introduced to new technologies and how these can be used in improving yields and profitability.

Organic farming, water-saving techniques, and high-tech agriculture are significant strides in nature conservation. They not only preserve natural resources but also significantly reduce soil and groundwater pollution caused by harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

How Littering and Poor Hygiene Damage Wildlife Habitats and Pollute Resources

Littering, open defecation, and lack of hygiene are critical issues that can significantly impact nature conservation efforts, such as:

  • Degradation of wildlife habitat.
  • Ecosystem imbalance, as accumulated wastes disrupt the delicate balance of interaction between various natural components.
  • Contamination of natural resources like water ways, ground water, soil and air, especially by the plastic wastes. The toxic wastes also seep into ground, causing soil and ground water pollution.
  • Burning heaps of garbage releases toxic gases causing severe air pollution
  • Loss of marine lives and terrestrial animals due to choking on plastic waste.

Grass Root Level Works that are Making a Difference

Inspiring millions of people to join hands to conserve the nature and save Mother Earth, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji Insan commenced mass drives to tackle the above issues.

Cleanse Campaign: These massive cleanliness drives are a wonder of the world, in which lakhs of people come together and clean huge cities and even states in a matter of few hours. Till date, 35 such mega cleanliness drives have been conducted across India. These drives not just clean every nook and corner of the city, village or state but also serve to spread awareness in the common masses who take pledge to keep their surroundings clean.

Pollution Free Environment: Farmers are encouraged to not burn the leftover stubble, instead use them to create manure or feed the animals.

Care for Air: Millions of volunteers have pledged under the sacred guidance of Saint Dr. MSG, to ensure relevant pollution check for their owned vehicles. They also inspire others to do the same.

CYCLE (Caring for Your health by Cycling and Lessening Earth pollution): Cycling not just offers the benefits of reducing pollution but also good health. Therefore, Guruji started the ‘Cycle’ initiative, inspiring millions of people to cover short distances by cycling or walking instead of using automobiles.

First of its kind initiative, ‘Welfare from Bony Cremation Remains’, inspires people to plant fruit trees on the cremated remains instead of disposing in rivers, thereby preventing water pollution and conserving natural water resources. Till date, thousands of such trees have been planted. This initiative was first started in Dera Sacha Sauda in 2011, and has later been adopted by USA, UK and other countries as well.

The Way Forward

Nature Conservation Day is a call to each one of us to contribute at individual and community levels. We must adapt to use resources judiciously in our daily lives; at the same time, the industries should also refrain from dumping chemical waste irresponsibly in rivers or open landfills.

Stringent policies, regular audits and individual responsibility must go hand in hand to ensure that natural resources are neither exploited not polluted.

Recovery of nature is equally important, hence activities such as afforestation, reuse of water etc are paramount.

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan’s multiple initiatives provide a blueprint to tackle the global crisis of global warming as well as conservation of nature. Kudos to these versatile initiatives and hats off to the volunteers for making a difference at ground levels. Together, let’s adopt these commendable activities in our daily lives and help conserve nature while restoring the delicate balance of our ecosystem.