Aug 12, 2016
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Worldly love brings steep fall; only God's love makes one rise

Revered Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj, who founded this Ashram in Uttar Pradesh, celebrated the August month of 1991 because we celebrated His pious incarnation month of January. The devotees, who remember that time, know how everyone danced and sang in divine bliss with the beginning of New Year. Often, Param Pita Ji would stop and ask what we are all doing. So we said that Guruji, You are our Satguru, and we all must celebrate that the true liberator of souls from this transient world incarnated in this month. HE was happy to hear this and so, everyone enjoyed a lot in the month of January. Then on the onset of August, Param Pita Ji being omniscient, got a cake made and we asked Him that why He did so. Then He said that You celebrated our birthday (January month), so we'll celebrate your birthday (August month) as well; this too is our birth month. Then the cake cutting ceremony was held and the devotees enjoyed the divine bliss." Above sermons were delivered by Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan during the spiritual congregation held at Shah Satnam Ji Dham, Barnava,UP . A few further excerpts of the Satsang are:

We don't celebrate our own birthday; we're only taking this tradition forward, which was initiated by our Satguruji. So congratulations to you all for the Bhandara organized by Param Pitaji, because this is the incarnation month of MSG, not of any one's. By the grace of Guruji, the first part of our autobiography is ready. It covers our life from birth till 13-14 years of age. So we'll try to launch it in this month itself.

The divine blessings of Guruji can't be expressed in any form. The only motive of true saints is welfare of everyone. They liberate the souls from this transient world and take them to their eternal abode and they do everything for it. Guruji has written in a hymn, "Chahe kuch bhi kare yatan, vapis tumhe le jayenge, sachkhand, nijdham tumhe le jayenge." i.e. We will take the souls back to Sachkhand (eternal abode) by every kind of efforts. This time of Kaliyuga, is very dangerous. Evils are growing day by day. But the flame lit by Shah Satnam Ji is immovable, blowing off is itself an impossible task. Those who have bad intentions suffer its consequences, for whatever thinking a man has, he gets the fruits accordingly. So always have good thoughts. As one connects ones thoughts to God's prayer, then all the vices leave him and he is blessed with happiness. Whosoever you are, whatever you are doing, HE is watching you. But if you pray truthfully, God forgives your sins even. In this Kaliyuga, people are becoming selfish, unaware of humanity and welfare. They're working like robots, like machines. We never forbid you to do work. Deliver your worldly duties, but also spend some time in God's prayer and selfless welfare. As much as you pray, you'll earn divine bliss. So wake up your inner conscience with the God's words and always remember God. Now a days, people say that they can't focus on Sumiran, but at least they should stay hundred percent firm on the sermons and serve the humanity selflessly. This will bring you immense happiness, both inner and outer. Those who have firm faith on God are blessed with everything.

This place, Dera Sacha Sauda, is the confluence of all religions. Here, none will stop you or object if you call God by any name viz. Ram, Allah, Waheguru, etc, in fact people will support you. Otherwise, it is not so in the outer world. Param Pitaji has written a couplet, "mandir mei jake tum allah-hu nahi ga sakte, jake vich girja mei waheguru nahi bula sakte, aur vich gurudware jakar God God nahi ga sakte". i.e. no one can chant Allah while being in the Temple and in the Mosque no one can recite Waheguru and same way while you are in Gurudwara you cannot chant God. But Sai Mastana Ji Maharaj made this Dera Sacha Sauda where you can pray to God using any of these names. Just pray truthfully and earn divine happiness. It's easy to say that all religions are equal but quite difficult to implement it. Wherever you go, people would categorize you as per your religion. All are children of God; who are far apart from Him and will finally meet Him only. But it's possible to see Him in this world also. He can come in front of you, in His divine radiant form, or in the guise of His true saint. Sometimes when you see your Guru in dream, or experience something divine, that's no one, but God. Millions of people over here would have experienced any such thing, please raise your hands and tell. Almost all have their hands up in air. So that figure is God Himself, but you don't realize it. He comes in the form of a Saint because otherwise you won't accept Him as the Supreme Lord.

Today the figure of the divine seekers has increased as compared to the 45,000 of August, 2015. It's a record number of 50,530 people this year. Probably this transformation of thousands is the reason why those engrossed in vices are annoyed. Rather, you must be annoyed if someone consumes intoxicants, commits sins or indulges in theft/robberies. The Supreme Power is the ocean of love and benevolence. So we depicted the same through the Bhajan. Our Satguru connected us with the Almighty. People tell the beads of rosary, while HE has blessed us so much that even our blood circulates with His divine name and heart beats in HIS name only. He has blessed us with the treasure of both realms that we got completely lost in Him only.

Wherever we see, wherever we go, we see only Him and no one else to talk to. The worldly intoxicants are absolutely nothing in front of the God's love. Our scriptures also narrate the same. In Hindu literature, the worldly tastes and God's love have been compared. Honey, jaggery, milk, ghee, butter and sugar, all are sweet, but their sweetness is nothing in front of His love. Muslim saints have said that even a single moment spent in the memory of the Almighty brings more happiness as compared to even lakhs of pots of the worldly wine. So, God's love has no comparison, it just can't be described.

There have been such evil demons and giants and tormentors, whose terror spread all around but Oh God, your love guided them and they are now counted among the true disciples. You can bestow your grace on anyone, within no time. People don't see you, but You show yourself to them. Those who follow Your sermons, or abide by the sermons of Your true saint, see and listen You or experience Your touch by chance, can see You in seconds. The Saints of all religions have depicted themselves as the divine lover of that Supreme Power, whose grace is beyond any measure or expression. "Jo tan laagi so tan jaane, dooja kya jaane peed parayi". The one who is drenched in His love, only He knows. Suppose a dumb person eats jaggery for the first time, he can't express the taste. Likewise the soul when meets the Lord it is unable to express the divine elation when it gets through His proximity. He just dances, sings and celebrates. Same way, Shah Satnam Ji and Shah Mastan Ji blessed Us with His divine love, and we can see Him everywhere. So it's a request to you all, now that you've learnt the true method of meditation, recite it and earn God's love, to enjoy a guaranteed life filled with both, inner and outer happiness.